Innova con gli AWS Startup Partner

Potenzia la tua azienda con soluzioni innovative e all'avanguardia

Novità e prossimi eventi

Le aziende di oggi sono alla ricerca di soluzioni innovative e di investimenti in nuove tecnologie all'avanguardia. Necessitano di affrontare rapidamente problemi aziendali complessi e generare valore su vasta scala. Gli AWS Startup Partner offrono l'agilità, l'efficienza e i flussi di lavoro automatizzati di cui le aziende hanno bisogno per rimanere competitive e leader nel loro settore.

AWS mette in contatto i clienti aziendali con gli AWS Startup Partner adatti per le loro esigenze aziendali specifiche. Queste startup innovative e pronte per ambienti aziendali offrono soluzioni native del cloud in una varietà di casi d'uso, tecnologie e settori.

Esplora le ultime storie di successo delle startup, le inserzioni di AWS Marketplace e i contenuti per scoprire in che modo gli AWS Startup Partner promuovono l'innovazione per i loro clienti.

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Cerchi una soluzione innovativa per risolvere la tua sfida aziendale?

Storie di successo dei clienti

Perché collaborare con gli AWS Startup Partner

Rendi la tua attività a prova di futuro

Rivoluziona o fatti rivoluzionare. Le startup sono leader nelle nuove tecnologie e aiutano le aziende a investire in quelle adatte per il successo a lungo termine nel mondo in rapida evoluzione.

Time-to-market accelerato

Esegui, testa e ottimizza rapidamente. Lancia soluzioni con cicli di sviluppo brevi in modo agile, economico e a basso rischio collaborando con le startup.

Implementa soluzioni all'avanguardia

Promuovi l'innovazione attraverso applicazioni native del cloud. Risolvi problemi aziendali complessi su vasta scala con le applicazioni uniche ed efficaci degli AWS Startup Partner.

Nuove inserzioni su AWS Marketplace degli AWS Startup Partner

Gli AWS Startup Partner innovano e rilasciano costantemente nuove tecnologie per i clienti aziendali. Abbiamo facilitato l'aggiornamento sulle ultime novità disponibili nell'AWS Marketplace. Esplora le nuove inserzioni delle Startup AWS qui sotto. Sei una startup che desidera pubblicare un'inserzione in AWS Marketplace? Candidarti qui oggi stesso!

Esplora i contenuti degli AWS Startup Partner

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Total results: 137
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  • Blog

    Dremio S3 and Open Lakehouse Architectures Blog

    Companies need to be able to focus on deriving value from their data. With recent advancements in analytic technologies, you have the pieces in place to build your data warehouse on S3 with DremioCloud.

  • Launch Announcement

    OpenLegacy Launches OL Hub

    Open Legacy released its SaaS product on AWS, OL Hub, a digital modernization platform that helps organizations untangle monolithic core systems so they can capture the speed and simplicity of cloud development. With OL Hub, customers can quickly fetch legacy assets and create a fully indexed, searchable, and continuously tested repository.

  • Launch Announcement

    Hyperscience Releases Cloud-based Intelligent Automation as a Service

    Hyperscience released its Intelligent Automation as a Service on AWS, using Amazon EKS, Amazon RDS, and Amazon S3, to help organizations automate document processes – from input to actionable data – by automatically classifying, extracting, and enriching data from diverse documents.

  • Case Study

    CLP and AutoGrid Optimize Distributed Energy Resources on AWS

    Asia-Pacific energy company CLP Holdings (CLP) and AWS Partner AutoGrid Systems Inc. (AutoGrid) implemented a single AWS-powered system to efficiently manage distributed energy resources. Acknowledging a global shift from traditional centralized power infrastructures to decentralized private energy assets, CLP sought a technology solution that could manage local grids by integrating batteries and renewable energy assets. AutoGrid developed a single AWS-based solution with CLP’s desired capability. After a successful pilot program in Hong Kong, during which CLP reduced peak energy usage by seven percent, CLP and AutoGrid are poised to expand their work on demand management.

  • Case Study

    Sling TV Drives up CSAT with Predictive, Interactive Messaging Platform for Customer Self-Service

    Sling TV is an American, app-based, streaming service for television and other on-demand content. The Dish Network-owned company has 2.37 million subscribers that pay a monthly fee to get access to over 30 channels. Its customers are eager to move away from legacy cable companies and move toward a straightforward, flexible, digital-first streaming service. Sling TV faced challenges around inbound customer service inquiries and customer retention. Its goal was to advance toward full customer automation. In order to solve those business challenges and meet the goal, it turned to Pypestream

  • Case Study

    BP: Building a ‘Write Once, Publish Anywhere’ Culture with Arc XP, Powered by AWS

    For BP, a global energy company, maintaining a clear communications strategy across internal and external communications was an enormously difficult task. At the same time, it could not afford a disruptive technology overhaul to solve the problem. With Arc XP, a headless CMS powered by AWS technology, BP was able to consolidate its multiple publishing platforms into one, bringing increased efficiency and communication consistency to its internal communications. 

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