AWS Developer Tools Blog

Category: .NET

Send Real-Time Amazon CloudWatch Alarm Notifications to Amazon Chime

This post was authored by Trevor Sullivan, a Solutions Architect for Amazon Web Services (AWS) based in Seattle, Washington. The post was also peer-reviewed by Andy Elmhorst, Senior Solutions Architect for AWS. Overview When you’re developing, deploying, and supporting business-critical applications, timely system notifications are crucial to keeping your services up and running reliably for […]

AWS .NET Team at AWS re:Invent 2017

Steve and I, from the AWS .NET Team, just got back from AWS re:Invent, where we met up with a lot of .NET developers doing some really cool projects on AWS. We also presented two sessions, which are online now. If you weren’t able come to re:Invent and see us, check out the videos online. […]

Deploy an Amazon ECS Cluster Running Windows Server with AWS Tools for PowerShell – Part 1

This is a guest post from Trevor Sullivan, a Seattle-based Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services (AWS). In this blog post, Trevor shows you how to deploy a Windows Server-based container cluster using the AWS Tools for PowerShell. Building and deploying applications on the Windows Server platform is becoming a significantly lighter-weight process. Although you […]

Writing and Archiving Custom Metrics using Amazon CloudWatch and AWS Tools for PowerShell

This is a guest post from Trevor Sullivan, a Seattle-based Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services (AWS). Since 2004, Trevor has worked intimately with Microsoft technologies, including PowerShell since its release in 2006. In this article, Trevor takes you through the process of using the AWS Tools for PowerShell to write and export metrics data […]

Deploying .NET Web Applications Using AWS CodeDeploy with Visual Studio Team Services

Today’s post is from AWS Solution Architect Aravind Kodandaramaiah. We recently announced the new AWS Tools for Microsoft Visual Studio Team Services. In this post, we show you how you can use these tools to deploy your .NET web applications from Team Services to Amazon EC2 instances by using AWS CodeDeploy. We don’t cover setting up the tools in […]

New Get-ECRLoginCommand for AWS Tools for PowerShell

Today’s post is from AWS Solution Architect and Microsoft MVP for Cloud and Data Center Management, Trevor Sullivan. The AWS Tools for PowerShell now offer a new command that makes it easier to authenticate to the Amazon EC2 Container Registry (Amazon ECR). Amazon EC2 Container Registry (ECR) is a service that enables customers to upload and store […]

Using the AWS_PROFILE Environment Variable to Choose a Profile

In an upcoming release of the AWS SDK for .NET, the FallbackCredentialsFactory class and the FallbackRegionFactory class will allow the use of the AWS_PROFILE environment variable. The SDK currently looks for a profile named “default” when retrieving credentials and region settings. After this change is released, users will be able to set the AWS_PROFILE environment […]

Working with Lambda Functions and Visual Studio Team Services

In previous posts, we talked about our new AWS Tools for Microsoft Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS), which provides AWS tasks you can add to your build definition. We also talked about our AWS Elastic Beanstalk task that you can use to deploy .NET web applications. In our initial release, there are also two tasks […]