Integration & Automation

Category: AWS CLI

Automate comprehensive data protection using AWS CloudFormation StackSets

Learn how to use AWS CloudFormation StackSets to automate and simplify data protection without duplicating existing backups on Amazon EBS, a high-performance block-storage service designed for Amazon EC2.

Save time with automated security checks of your Terraform scripts

Learn how to integrate Checkov into CodePipeline with fully automated pre-deployment compliance checks of your Terraform scripts, including built-in notifications. Our solution provides an end-to-end, automated CI/CD pipeline that allows you to stay compliant with AWS best-practices with minimal operational overhead.

Reduce security risks from IaC drift in multi-Region AWS deployments with Terraform

Are your infrastructure as code (IaC) Terraform deployments on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud protected against drift? IaC drift, which can leave your data and resources exposed to security risks, is especially difficult to track down and remove in an environment that spans multiple AWS accounts and AWS Regions. You can do it though, and in this post we show you how.