Integration & Automation

Category: Technical How-to

Simplify integration of your Amazon EKS cluster with Amazon EKS Blueprints for CDK

Learn how to use Amazon EKS Blueprints for CDK to simplify integration of common tooling and provisioning of complete, opinionated EKS clusters that meet specific application requirements. This solution is designed to replace the deprecated Amazon EKS Quick Start.

Create AMIs with AWS CodePipeline

One way to alleviate the pain of drift in your Amazon Web Services (AWS) workloads is to use a GitOps workflow to automate Amazon Machine Image (AMI) builds with AWS CodePipeline. In this post, we show you how to deploy a continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline, managed by CodePipeline, to build AMIs.

Reduce costs with an ephemeral Amazon FSx for Lustre file system

Create an ephemeral Amazon FSx for Lustre file system that’s active on an as-needed basis, allowing you to pay for services only when the system is used. With the file system running only when needed, you can still benefit from a powerful system with fast processing speeds without the high costs associated with a continuously running implementation.

Reduce security risks from IaC drift in multi-Region AWS deployments with Terraform

Are your infrastructure as code (IaC) Terraform deployments on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud protected against drift? IaC drift, which can leave your data and resources exposed to security risks, is especially difficult to track down and remove in an environment that spans multiple AWS accounts and AWS Regions. You can do it though, and in this post we show you how.

Keep your AWS resources when you rename an AWS CloudFormation stack

Learn how to change the name of a CloudFormation stack without deleting the resources that it manages. In the walkthrough, which uses a simple architecture with a single resource, a virtual private cloud (VPC), you add a Retain attribute to the resource’s deletion policy so that the resource isn’t lost when that stack is deleted.

Save time and reduce errors by automating AWS Lambda code updates

Learn a simpler, faster method for updating your Lambda code that doesn’t require manual updates to Amazon S3. We provide a fully configured AWS CloudFormation template with Lambda code on AWS CodeCommit.

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Create a more secure LAMP stack with AWS WAF (web application firewall)

Learn how to create a more secure LAMP stack with AWS WAF, Route 53 domain, and AWS Certificate Manager. This post walks you through automation steps to deploy a highly available LAMP-stack application with a web application firewall.