The Internet of Things on AWS – Official Blog

Using Dynamic Thing Groups to Continuously Update Software on Devices

When managing Internet of Things (IoT) devices, it can be challenging to maintain or improve device functionality through upgrades to device software and configuration. The complexity is due to a number of factors: the number of devices, multiple versions of the devices, different software versions based on device attributes and state, inability to discover and […]

Containerize your IOT application with AWS IOT Analytics

Overview In an earlier blog post about IoT Analytics, we discussed how AWS IoT Analytics enables you to collect, visualize, process, query and store large amounts of time series data generated from your connected devices. In this blog post, I will show how you can use your custom application to interact with AWS IoT Analytics. […]

Connect your devices to AWS IoT using LoRaWAN

4/15/21 AWS IoT Editorial Team Update:  Since the time of this blog post, we have announced AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN. AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN is a fully-managed feature that allows you to connect and manage wireless devices that use LoRaWAN connectivity with the AWS Cloud. Using AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN, enterprises can setup […]

Integrating AWS IoT and AWS Greengrass into the Automotive Grade Linux Software Stack

Post by Hitendra Nishar, AWS Solutions Builder Automotive Grade Linux (AGL) is an open source project to accelerate the development and adoption of a fully open software stack for connected vehicles. AGL is building a Linux-based, open software platform that can serve as the de facto industry standard and enable rapid development of new features […]

Configuring Cognito User Pools to Communicate with AWS IoT Core

AWS IoT Core supports certificate-based mutual authentication, custom authorizers, and Amazon Cognito Identity as way to authenticate requests to the AWS IoT device gateway. Amazon Cognito User Pools was made generally available last year. It allows customers to easily add user sign up and sign in to mobile and web apps. You can use Cognito […]

Detect anomalies on connected devices using AWS IoT Device Defender

We often see security breaches depicted in media and popular culture. In the HBO series Silicon Valley, a compromised refrigerator is used by hacker Gilfoyle to run a malicious piece of software. The reality of connected devices isn’t very different from this fictitious scenario. The compromised refrigerator can send consumer data to unauthorized endpoints. Connected […]

How AWS IoT Core is Helping Customers Navigate the Upcoming Distrust of Symantec Certificate Authorities

NOTE: This blog post describes important public key infrastructure (PKI) issues related to browser and mobile application connectivity to AWS IoT Core. For information about public key certificates and TLS, see Chain of Trust and Certificate Authorities in High Performance Browser Networking. Overview Google, Apple, and Mozilla have announced that, starting October, 2018, they will […]

Ensure Secure Communication with AWS IoT Core Using the Certificate Vending Machine Reference Application

X.509 certificates are used to ensure secure communication between IoT devices and AWS IoT Core. Devices use these certificates to connect to AWS IoT Core using TLS mutual authentication. AWS IoT Core uses TLS mutual authentication to encrypt data as it moves between AWS IoT Core and other devices or other AWS services. A X.509 certificate […]

Using AWS IoT for Predictive Maintenance

The interest in machine learning for industrial and manufacturing use cases on the edge is growing. Manufacturers need to know when a machine is about to fail so they can better plan for maintenance. For example, as a manufacturer, you might have a machine that is sensitive to various temperature, velocity, or pressure changes. When […]