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以 DevOps 的速度實現自動化安全
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Anandprasanna Gaitonde, Rajat Tyagi, 2025年2月12日Connecting securely to RDS databases AWS Verified Access (AVA) now extends beyond HTTP apps to provide VPN-less, secure access to non-HTTP resources like RDS databases, enabling improved security and enhanced user experience for both web applications and database connections. AVA is built based on Zero Trust principles and allows administrators to define fine-grained access policies, [...]
Kiran Dongara, Bill Screen, 2025年2月12日Public sector organizations face stringent compliance requirements, and any unauthorized access to protected health information (PHI) or personal identifiable information (PII) can result in legal penalties and reputational damage. This post aims to demonstrate how public sector customers can develop a fine-grained authorization module using Amazon Web Services (AWS) identity services, extending beyond the capabilities of traditional role-based access control (RBAC), so they can achieve compliance objectives.
Ken Beer, 2025年2月12日February 12, 2025: This post was republished to include new services and features that have launched since the original publication date of June 11, 2020. Encryption is a critical component of a defense-in-depth security strategy that uses multiple defensive mechanisms to protect workloads, data, and assets. As organizations look to innovate while building trust with [...]
Andy Rivers, Ves Sathya, 2025年2月11日This post is part three of a four-part series that addresses how a Cloud Center of Excellence (CCoE) can be a viable solution to address the challenges of digital transformation. In this post, we address the three technical perspectives of the Amazon Web Services Cloud Adoption Framework (AWS CAF). While the business, organizational, and governance perspectives of the AWS CAF are crucial, the CCoE must also focus on the technical capabilities required to build and operate a cloud environment that meets the organization’s needs.
Jonathan Jenkyn, Michael Tschannen, 2025年2月11日Generative AI applications often involve a combination of various services and features—such as Amazon Bedrock and large language models (LLMs)—to generate content and to access potentially confidential data. This combination requires strong identity and access management controls and is special in the sense that those controls need to be applied on various levels. In this [...]