Posted On: Jan 21, 2020

You can now easily stop a pipeline execution in CodePipeline. Previously, you had to either (a) disable transitions between stages and wait for a new pipeline execution to supersede the current pipeline execution; or (b) wait for active action executions to time out.  

Now, you can also stop a pipeline execution immediately. For example, if you notice that a release going through a pipeline contains an issue, you can quickly stop it from deploying any further. Additionally, if you are testing your pipeline configuration and want to quickly re-run a pipeline without waiting for the current pipeline execution to complete, you can immediately abandon the pipeline execution and allow a new one to take over.  

CodePipeline is a fully managed continuous delivery service that helps you automate your release pipelines for fast and reliable application and infrastructure updates. Starting today, you can stop a pipeline execution in CodePipeline Console or using AWS CodePipeline SDK. To get started visit this page.

To see a list of all the regions where CodePipeline is available, please check out the AWS global region table