AWS Compute Blog
Building a serverless multiplayer game that scales: Part 2
This post is written by Vito De Giosa, Sr. Solutions Architect and Tim Bruce, Sr. Solutions Architect, Developer Acceleration.
This series discusses solutions for scaling serverless games, using the Simple Trivia Service, a game that relies on user-generated content. Part 1 describes the overall architecture, how to deploy to your AWS account, and different communications methods.
This post discusses how to scale via automation and asynchronous processes. You can use automation to minimize the need to scale personnel to review player-generated content for acceptability. It also introduces asynchronous processing, which allows you to run non-critical processes in the background and batch data together. This helps to improve resource usage and game performance. Both scaling techniques can also reduce overall spend.
To set up the example, see the instructions in the GitHub repo and the file. This example uses services beyond the AWS Free Tier and incurs charges. Instructions to remove the example application from your account are also in the file.
Technical implementation
Games require a mechanism to support auto-moderated avatars. Specifically, this is an upload process to allow the player to send the content to the game. There is a content moderation process to remove unacceptable content and a messaging process to provide players with a status regarding their content.
Here is the architecture for this feature in Simple Trivia Service, which is combined within the avatar workflow:
This architecture processes images uploaded to Amazon S3 and notifies the user of the processing result via HTTP WebPush. This solution uses AWS Serverless services and the Amazon Rekognition moderation API.
Uploading avatars
Players start the process by uploading avatars via the game client. Using presigned URLs, the client allows players to upload images directly to S3 without sharing AWS credentials or exposing the bucket publicly.
The URL embeds all the parameters of the S3 request. It includes a SignatureV4 generated with AWS credentials from the backend allowing S3 to authorize the request.
- The front end retrieves the presigned URL invoking an AWS Lambda function through an Amazon API Gateway HTTP API endpoint.
- The front end uses the URL to send a PUT request to S3 with the image.
Processing avatars
After the upload completes, the backend performs a set of activities. These include content moderation, generating the thumbnail variant, and saving the image URL to the player profile. AWS Step Functions orchestrates the workflow by coordinating tasks and integrating with AWS services, such as Lambda and Amazon DynamoDB. Step Functions enables creating workflows without writing code and handles errors, retries, and state management. This enables traffic control to avoid overloading single components when traffic surges.
The avatar processing workflow runs asynchronously. This allows players to play the game without being blocked and enables you to batch the requests. The Step Functions workflow is triggered from an Amazon EventBridge event. When the user uploads an image to S3, an event is published to EventBridge. The event is routed to the avatar processing Step Functions workflow.
The single avatar feature runs in seconds and uses Step Functions Express Workflows, which are ideal for high-volume event-processing use cases. Step Functions can also support longer running processes and manual steps, depending on your requirements.
To keep performance at scale, the solution adopts four strategies. First, it moderates content automatically, requiring no human intervention. This is done via Amazon Rekognition moderation API, which can discover inappropriate content in uploaded avatars. Developers do not need machine learning expertise to use this API. If it identifies unacceptable content, the Step Functions workflow deletes the uploaded picture.
Second, it uses avatar thumbnails on the top navigation bar and on leaderboards. This speeds up page loading and uses less network bandwidth. Image-editing software runs in a Lambda function to modify the uploaded file and store the result in S3 with the original.
Third, it uses Amazon CloudFront as a content delivery network (CDN) with the S3 bucket hosting images. This improves performance by implementing caching and serving static content from locations closer to the player. Additionally, using CloudFront allows you to keep the bucket private and provide greater security for the content stored within S3.
Finally, it stores profile picture URLs in DynamoDB and replicates the thumbnail URL in an Amazon Cognito user attribute named picture. This allows the game to retrieve the avatar URL as part of the login process, saving an HTTP GET request for the player profile.
The last step of the workflow publishes the result via an event to EventBridge for downstream systems to consume. The service routes the event to the notification component to inform the player about the moderation status.
Notifying users of the processing result
The result of the avatar workflow to the player is important but not urgent. Players want to know the result but not impact their gameplay experience. A solution for this challenge is to use HTTP web push. It uses the HTTP protocol and does not require a constant communication channel between backend and front end. This allows players to play games without being blocked or by introducing latency to the game communications channel.
Applications requiring low latency fully bidirectional communication, such as highly interactive multi-player games, typically use WebSockets. This creates a persistent two-way channel for front end and backend to exchange information. The web push mechanism can provide non-urgent data and messages to the player without interrupting the WebSockets channel.
The web push protocol describes how to use a consolidated push service as a broker between the web-client and the backend. It accepts subscriptions from the client and receives push message delivery requests from the backend. Each browser vendor provides a push service implementation that is compliant with the W3C Push API specification and is external to both client and backend.
The web client is typically a browser where a JavaScript application interacts with the push service to subscribe and listen for incoming notifications. The backend is the application that notifies the front end. Here is an overview of the protocol with all the parties involved.
- A component on the client subscribes to the configured push service by sending an HTTP POST request. The client keeps a background connection waiting for messages.
- The push service returns a URL identifying a push resource that the client distributes to backend applications that are allowed to send notifications.
- Backend applications request a message delivery by sending an HTTP POST request to the previously distributed URL.
- The push service forwards the information to the client.
This approach has four advantages. First, it reduces the effort to manage the reliability of the delivery process by off-loading it to an external and standardized component. Second, it minimizes cost and resource consumption. This is because it doesn’t require the backend to keep a persistent communication channel or compute resources to be constantly available. Third, it keeps complexity to a minimum because it relies on HTTP only without requiring additional technologies. Finally, HTTP web push addresses concepts such as message urgency and time-to-live (TTL) by using a standard.
Serverless HTTP web push
The implementation of the web push protocol requires the following components, per the Push API specification. First, the front end is required to create a push subscription. This is implemented through a service worker, a script running in the origin of the application. The service worker exposes operations to access the push service either creating subscriptions or listening for push events.
- The client uses the service worker to subscribe to the push service via the Push API.
- The push service responds with a payload including a URL, which is the client’s push endpoint. The URL is used to create notification delivery requests.
- The browser enriches the subscription with public cryptographic keys, which are used to encrypt messages ensuring confidentiality.
- The backend must receive and store the subscription for when a delivery request is made to the push service. This is provided by API Gateway, Lambda, and DynamoDB. API Gateway exposes an HTTP API endpoint that accepts POST requests with the push service subscription as payload. The payload is stored in DynamoDB alongside the player identifier.
This front end code implements the process:
Next, the backend reacts to the avatar workflow completed custom event to create a delivery request. This is accomplished with EventBridge and Lambda.
- EventBridge routes the event to a Lambda function.
- The function retrieves the player’s agent subscriptions, including push endpoint and encryption keys, from DynamoDB.
- The function sends an HTTP POST to the push endpoint with the encrypted message as payload.
- When the push service delivers the message, the browser activates the service worker updating local state and displaying the notification.
The push service allows creating delivery requests based on the knowledge of the endpoint and the front end allows the backend to deliver messages by distributing the endpoint. HTTPS provides encryption for data in transit while DynamoDB encrypts all your data at rest to provide confidentiality and security for the endpoint.
Security of WebPush can be further improved by using Voluntary Application Server Identification (VAPID). With WebPush, the clients authenticate messages at delivery time. VAPID allows the push service to perform message authentication on behalf of the web client avoiding denial-of-service risk. Without the additional security of VAPID, any application knowing the push service endpoint might successfully create delivery requests with an invalid payload. This can cause the player’s agent to accept messages from unauthorized services and, possibly, cause a denial-of-service to the client by overloading its capabilities.
VAPID requires backend applications to own a key pair. In Simple Trivia Service, a Lambda function, which is an AWS CloudFormation custom resource, generates the key pair when deploying the stack. It securely saves values in AWS System Manager (SSM) Parameter Store.
Here is a representation of VAPID in action:
- The front end specifies which backend the push service can accept messages from. It does this by including the public key from VAPID in the subscription request.
- When requesting a message delivery, the backend self-identifies by including the public key and a token signed with the private key in the HTTP Authorization header. If the keys match and the client uses the public key at subscription, the message is sent. If not, the message is blocked by the push service.
The Lambda function that sends delivery requests to the push service reads the key values from SSM. It uses them to generate the Authorization header to include in the request, allowing for successful delivery to the client endpoint.
This post shows how you can add scaling support for a game via automation. The example uses Amazon Rekognition to check images for unacceptable content and uses asynchronous architecture patterns with Step Functions and HTTP WebPush. These scaling approaches can help you to maximize your technical and personnel investments.
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