AWS Smart Business Blog

Getting Started with Your SMB’s First AWS Cloud Project

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, the journey to cloud has become more than just a trend; it’s a necessity for growth and competitiveness. For small and medium businesses (SMBs), stepping into the domain of cloud computing can feel like navigating through a complex set of challenges. From assessing and deciding on the workloads to be moved, to lacking the resources and expertise to effectively leverage cloud technologies, small businesses face numerous obstacles. One of the key challenges for SMBs is successfully transitioning to full production capabilities in the cloud as they may face uncertainties about processes, workflows, and roadmaps required to meet their specific needs. However, Amazon Web Services (AWS) empowers SMBs, to overcome the challenges of cloud adoption, equipping them with the insights and strategies needed to thrive in an increasingly digital world.

Workflows that help SMBs start immediately

1. Assessing current IT infrastructure and workloads

As a small business embarking on your AWS Cloud journey, it’s essential to assess your current infrastructure and workloads. For beginners, this assessment will provide you understanding of your existing IT landscape and help you identify potential migration challenges such as detailed inventory of your on-premises infrastructure, including servers, storage systems, network devices, and apps, along with their specifications and dependencies. After that, identify and map the relationships and interdependencies between your applications and their underlying infrastructure components. Lastly, categorize your workloads based on factors such as criticality, performance requirements, data sensitivity, and migration complexity to prioritize your efforts. It’s recommended to begin your migration journey with low-risk workloads or applications that are not mission-critical. This approach allows you to gain valuable experience and refine your migration processes. By starting with non-critical applications, you can identify and address potential issues without risking significant disruptions to your core business operations.

2. Building a proof of concept

A proof of concept (POC) serves as a crucial starting point for SMBs in the hands-on discovery of AWS services. By building a POC, small businesses can effectively test the feasibility of running their chosen workloads or low-risk workloads identified in the assessment phase on AWS infrastructure. This hands-on experimentation not only helps in assessing the performance, scalability, and cost-effectiveness of these solutions but also familiarizes the team with AWS services and fundamentals. One of the easiest entry points to AWS Cloud is to start with storage solutions. Cloud storage services like Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) offers scalable, durable, and highly available storage for a wide range of use cases. For SMBs lacking knowledge or expertise with AWS services, a well-executed POC provides invaluable opportunities for the team to gain practical experience and insights. It helps team members gain the experience needed to navigate cloud infrastructure complexities, building confidence in leveraging AWS for business growth and innovation.

3. Implementing capabilities to transition from POC to production

Transitioning from a proof of concept (POC) to a production-ready solution can seem daunting, but AWS provides a range of tools and services to make this process seamless and efficient. Security is indeed paramount for SMBs, and implementing robust measures is crucial. Beginning with granular control over user and resource access using AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) sets a strong foundation. Additionally, enabling encryption both at rest and in transit, alongside implementing multi-factor authentication (MFA) for privileged accounts, significantly enhances security. Furthermore, employing security features like firewalls safeguard web applications against common unwanted incidents. Services such as the AWS Security Hub offers centralized monitoring, providing a comprehensive security posture. By integrating these measures, SMBs can effectively fortify their defenses and mitigate potential risks. High availability is paramount for production workloads to guarantee continuous accessibility, even amid failures or spikes in traffic. Thus, adopting multi-availability zone or multi-region architectures becomes imperative to bolster fault tolerance. SMBs can harness AWS services such as Elastic Load Balancing, Auto Scaling, and Amazon Route 53 to incorporate failover capabilities, offering seamless operation across diverse scenarios. For SMBs seeking efficient resource management, embracing modern technologies and AWS managed services is paramount. By adopting containerization technologies, businesses can streamline app deployment and scalability. Coupled with autoscaling, resources can be dynamically provisioned or decommissioned based on demand, providing optimal performance and cost efficiency. Leveraging tools like the AWS Cost Explorer further enhances cost optimization by providing insights into usage patterns and identifying areas for optimization and automation. By leveraging AWS best practices, managed services, and well-architected framework, SMBs can confidently transition from POCs to robust, production-grade solutions that meet their business needs while maintaining high standards of security, scalability, and reliability.

How AWS can simplify your cloud journey

Building an architecture

At AWS, we understand the unique challenges faced by SMBs when it comes to building architectures that align with their specific requirements. To address this, we offer a wealth of resources that streamline the architecture design process and empower your team with proven AWS solutions. Our extensive library of documentations, architectural patterns, whitepapers, and case studies serve as valuable assets for your teams to draw inspiration and make informed decisions during the design phase. AWS also offers pre-built, curated artifacts that encapsulate architectural blueprints and deployment templates in compliance with best practices. In addition, when engaging with AWS, SMBs have access to account teams comprising an Account Manager (AM) and a Solution Architect (SA). The AM focuses on understanding the customer’s roadmap and business objectives, aligning with the right AWS resources, services, and solutions while, the SA collaborates closely with customers to translate their business outcomes into technical requirements. Following the AWS Well-Architected Framework pillars, the SA supports the customer in designing architectures that serve as blueprints for the SMBs’ cloud journey, starting from test and POC environments to full-scale production. This iterative approach accommodates modifications and extensions as the SMB’s needs evolve. By leveraging these artifacts and AWS support, SMBs can accelerate the architecture design process paving the way for successful cloud adoption and business transformation.

Leveraging the AWS Partner Network (APN)

SMBs may require additional resources and expertise to effectively navigate the cloud migration process. AWS recognizes this need and has established a vast ecosystem of partners who can provide specialized services and support throughout your cloud journey. AWS Partners, or AWS experts, offer a range of services, including migration assessments, planning, and execution, to help you seamlessly transition your workloads to the cloud. These partners have deep expertise in AWS technologies and best practices, verifying that your migration is carried out efficiently and with minimal disruptions. AWS IQ further extends this network by connecting customers directly with certified freelancers and consultants, streamlining the process of finding and engaging experts for AWS-related projects. With AWS IQ, customers describe their needs, receive responses from qualified professionals, and choose experts for their projects. Whether it’s getting started with AWS, kickstarting or completing a project, AWS IQ provides a convenient platform for accessing freelance talent. Discover how Mikatasa achieved a remarkable 30% reduction in their total cost of ownership (TCO) by collaborating with an AWS partner throughout their migration journey to the AWS Cloud platform.

Enabling the Team for Successful Implementation

For a successful migration to AWS, it is crucial to equip your team with the right skills and knowledge. AWS provides a comprehensive suite of resources to help businesses become proficient with their services to offer a smooth transition.

  • AWS offers comprehensive training programs tailored to different skill levels and roles within your organization. From beginner-level courses and tutorials that introduce cloud concepts to advanced certifications for technical professionals, these training resources empower your team with the knowledge and skills they need to effectively manage and utilize AWS services. Learn how SaaS provider CloudCall upskilled its engineers with AWS Skill Builder.
  • Furthermore, AWS hosts regular webinars, online events, and in-person summits where you can learn from industry experts, connect with other customers, and stay up-to-date with the latest innovations and trends in cloud computing. These events are invaluable opportunities for your team to gain insights, ask questions, and network with peers who have successfully navigated the cloud journey.

By leveraging these resources, your SMB can empower your team with the knowledge and confidence needed to seamlessly migrate to the cloud and unlock the full potential of cloud services, driving innovation, agility, and growth for your business.


As the business landscape evolves rapidly, integrating AWS into your SMB’s cloud strategy isn’t just advantageous—it’s essential. AWS offers tailor-made solutions and support to address migration, security, and skills gaps. By evaluating workloads, piloting concepts, and adopting industry best practices, you set the stage for scalable, robust, and economical solutions. Empower your workforce with AWS’s extensive resources and unleash your SMB’s full potential in the digital realm.

Ready to take the leap but unsure how to start? Sign up for a free AWS account and access AWS free tier services. Seeking inspiration for your first project? Learn how other SMBs are using AWS. For expert help, schedule a consultation or leverage the AWS Partner Network to discuss your project needs. Let’s embark on this transformative journey together.

Samuel Sopeju

Samuel Sopeju

Samuel Sopeju is a Solutions Architect at AWS who support SMB customers. Before joining AWS, he worked for Greenfish for four years, most recently as a Lead Consultant. Prior to that, he was an Electrical Project Engineer at ENGIE Fabricom. He is based in Belgium.

Nadim Mansour

Nadim Mansour

Nadim Mansour is a Solutions Architect at AWS who supports SMB customers. He has years of experience in engineering roles at various companies across the globe. Nadim is based in the Netherlands.

Ozge Karaoglu

Ozge Karaoglu

Ozge Karaoglu is a Solutions Architect at AWS based in Amsterdam, Netherlands. She is responsible for leveraging and implementing cloud technologies to help customers drive their business forward. She collaborates with clients to design architecture solutions that align with their needs and challenges. Ozge gained her IT expertise in previous roles as a Medior Software Engineer at Capgemini, and a Frontend Developer at Fenestrae. She has a bachelor’s degree in Computer Engineering from Bahcesehir University.