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Aproveche las soluciones de código abierto disponibles de forma gratuita que ayudan a resolver problemas del gobierno comunes, incluidas soluciones para mensajería, pagos, identidad ciudadana, formularios en línea, administración de contenido, mercados de compras, herramientas de visualización de datos y más.
Utilice software de código abierto para construir la base digital de los servicios del gobierno
La mayoría de los servicios del gobierno de cara al público utilizan componentes funcionales similares. Proporcionar estos componentes una vez para que todos los servicios los compartan crea una base digital sólida y permite la innovación y la experimentación para desarrollar rápidamente los servicios públicos.
Designers Italia is the reference point for the design of digital public services for municipalities and and schools: models, kits and guides to facilitate design processes centered on citizens' needs.
The Digital Scotland Design System provides static web assets for websites and web applications for the Scottish Government and other Scottish public sector bodies.
The B.C. government design system is a collection of digital resources and tools including a library of reusable UI/interface components and design patterns. Components are collectively built by the government community, meet accessibility standards and are open for input and improvement.
GOV.UK Notify application enables central government, a local authority, or the National Health Service to send emails, text messages and letters to their users via an integrated API.
FormSG is a self-service open source digital form building solution that allows public officials in the Singapore government to build and publish customized forms in minutes.
Sunbird Obsrv provides microservices and data products to capture metrics and perform analytics using telemetry data emitted by Sunbird building blocks and a reports configurator tool to create custom dashboards.
Datalake gathers data from multiple departments and agencies, harmonizes it with other datasets and makes it highly available for internal and external partners to develop data-oriented public policies.
An open data portal built with open source that allows users to find data, visualize it, cross-reference and build stories, as well as upload their own data and interact with public data.
The Digital Transformation Authority (DTA) National Map provides easy access to government spatial data and can compare multiple datasets by linking them through information about their location.
Sunbird RC (Registry and Credential) is used to rapidly build and deploy next-generation electronic registries by providing a low-code framework, microservices, and reference tools.
The Interministerial Directorate for Digital Affairs (DINUM) has implemented a centralized tool to manage access permissions to data apis providers. This tool simplifies and standardizes the authorization procedure between government agencies.
IO is an open source native mobile application for iOS and Android, providing an interface for citizens to manage their data and their digital citizen profile, receive communications, and complete in-app payments.
LocalGov Drupal is a collaboratively built open source web publishing platform for local government. It provides a Drupal install profile that each organization can quickly deploy and configure to host their website.
GoGovSG is an open source link shortening and file sharing solution. Links and files are checked before publishing to prevent malicious content being shared, and analytics are provided to track click-through rates.
Lottery Licence Manager is an open source application to meet lottery licencing requirements, including flexible reporting options that meet the requirements of municipalities, licence authorities, and inspectors.
General Licence Manager is an open source application allowing staff to issue and renew licences, search licences and organizations, and export summary reports that assist with monitoring and tracking.
PlanX is an open source platform for local government planning teams to create and publish digital planning services that are simpler for applicants, agents, and planning officers.
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) compiled open-source tools to accelerate the digital response to COVID-19 for disease monitoring, prevention and containment, diagnosis and recovery.
CovidCareMap’s volunteer-driven mapping tool for existing and forecasted health system capacity gaps (beds, staffing, ventilators, supplies) to care for COVID19 patients.
Tool developed by the University of Pennsylvania’s Penn Medicine Predictive Healthcare to assist hospitals and public health officials with hospital capacity planning.
Government of British Columbia service that was built in partnership with the Ministry of Health and Service B.C. and supports British Columbians returning from abroad with self-isolating.
A COVID-19 exposure notification application using Apple/Google API that can be downloaded voluntarily and facilitates the contact tracing process amidst the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic in Germany.
Open Path is an open source platform to help care providers, governments, hospitals, and insurance companies better serve people experiencing homelessness.
OpenELIS Global is an open source laboratory information system tailored for low and middle-income country public health laboratories. It supports the functioning of laboratories for best practice and accreditation.
Digital Marketplace offers vendors two procurement mechanisms to facilitate collaboration with the government of British Columbia on building innovative digital services.
Lukim Gather enables communities in remote protected areas to share social and environmental information, anonymously report environmental incidents, and communicate with national and local decision-makers.
ActivitySim is an open source activity-based travel behavior modelling solution providing planners and policymakers with key inputs for designing resilient, sustainable, and safe transportation systems.
Curb Data Specification is an open source digital tool that helps cities and companies pilot and scale dynamic curb zones to manage the right of way, and develop policies that create more accessible, useful curbs.
OpenTripPlanner is an open source multi-modal trip planner, focusing on travel by scheduled public transportation in combination with bicycling, walking, and mobility services including bike share and ride hailing.
Interministerial Directorate for Digital Affairs (DINUM) resource that promotes the efforts of public agencies that publish their source code and helps developers discover code from other public entities.
Collection of mobile and web-based applications created within the Government of Canada, the public, and Canadian Open Data Experience (CODE) winners and participants.
The Open Resource Exchange compiles open source code, open source software, open standards, partnerships, and open design developed and used by Canadian public administrations.
Code repository for projects published by 18F, a part of the Technology Transformation Services within the US General Services Administration’s Federal Acquisition Service.
Connected Kingston is a directory of services that residents can access to find up-to-date information about and support services in the Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames.
A set of open source APIs, services, and reference implementations providing government entities, businesses, startups, and civil society a digital platform to build solutions.
LGPDJus provides citizens with information about Brazilian General Data Protection Law, allows them to receive detailed information about the processing of their personal data, and request changes or removals.
An open-source framework to support endorsement and verification of documents using blockchain, and a reliable way to issue and validate tamper-proof certificates.
The Government Digital Service (GDS) GovWifi is a wifi authentication service allowing staff and visitors to use a single username and password to connect to guest wifi across the UK public sector.
Built by the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), the Cyber Swiss Army Knife is a web app for encryption, encoding, compression, and data analysis.
El equipo de transformación del gobierno de AWS puede ayudarlo
Si necesita ayuda con la transformación digital, la implantación de soluciones de código abierto o tiene una solución que le gustaría compartir, nos encantaría conocerla.
La compatibilidad de AWS con Internet Explorer finaliza el 07/31/2022. Los navegadores compatibles son Chrome, Firefox, Edge y Safari.
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