Partner AWS WAF

Conformi alle best practice di AWS WAF

Perché utilizzare AWS WAF?

I Delivery Partner di AWS WAF sono partner AWS che implementano AWS WAF per proteggere le applicazioni Web dai comuni exploit Web che potrebbero compromettere la sicurezza, influire sulla disponibilità delle applicazioni o comportare un consumo eccessivo di risorse. Collaborando con un AWS WAF Delivery Partner, puoi aumentare la sicurezza delle tue applicazioni Web e creare regole personalizzate per bloccare i modelli di attacco più comuni come iniezione SQL o cross-site scripting.

I partner AWS WAF Ready offrono ai clienti una soluzione semplice per implementare e mantenere la loro soluzione di sicurezza a livello di applicazione. I prodotti software AWS WAF Ready forniscono solidi set di regole WAF e strumenti di mitigazione che i clienti possono scegliere in base al caso d'uso specifico dell'applicazione.

I Programmi AWS per l'erogazione dei servizi e i Programmi di preparazione ai servizi AWS permettono ai clienti AWS di identificare i partner AWS con un'esperienza e una comprensione approfondita di servizi AWS specifici e soluzioni software necessarie. Questi partner hanno superato una rigorosa convalida tecnica al fine di assicurare che stiano seguendo le best practice con AWS WAF e dimostrato un provato successo con i clienti.

Post del blog di AWS WAF

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  • Rory Wallis, 13/02/2025
    We are excited to highlight 201 AWS Partners that received new or renewed specializations in January for our global AWS Competency, AWS Managed Service Provider (MSP), AWS Service Delivery, and AWS Service Ready programs. These designations span workload, solution, and industry, and help AWS customers identify top AWS Partners that can deliver on core business objectives. AWS Partners are focused on your success, helping customers take full advantage of the business benefits AWS has to offer.
  • Dylan Souvage, Kelsie Brunson, Mrinali Umashankar, 20/02/2025
    The AWS Partner Network (APN) offers several training resources to help Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) succeed—from showing how to list your first solution on AWS Marketplace to teaching you how to accelerate growth through co-selling and funding opportunities. This blog post compiles these resources and explains the benefit of each.
  • Paige Broderick, Lilian Alba Rodriguez, Namita Mathew, 19/12/2024
    AWS Solutions Architects are a free resource to customers and partners and wear three crucial hats: technical advisor, customer advocate, and educator. Learn how you can engage AWS Solutions Architects and benefit from their time-tested expertise and best practices across AWS services, industries, and company sizes.
  • Nikhil Swaminathan, Jay Raval, Matt Auerbach, 24/12/2024
    Today, AWS Amplify Hosting is launching new Firewall capabilities that will allow developers to protect and further secure their web applications. This is a direct integration with AWS WAF, allowing Amplify developers to connect a Web ACL directly to their Amplify hosted application. A web firewall is essential for professional developers to protect their applications [...]
  • Charishma Makineni, Phaneendra Vuliyaragoli, 18/02/2025
    In this post, we demonstrate how to build a scalable AWS WAF log analysis solution using Firehose and Apache Iceberg. Firehose simplifies the entire process—from log ingestion to storage—by allowing you to configure a delivery stream that delivers AWS WAF logs directly to Apache Iceberg tables in Amazon S3. The solution requires no infrastructure setup and you pay only for the data you process.