Filter cloud network traffic, help prevent advanced threats

Manage, monitor, control, and filter your network traffic to help mitigate today's advanced threats.

Filtering Cloud Network Traffic and Preventing Threats with AWS Marketplace

Blocking advanced threats often devolves into a time-intensive manual game of whack-a-mole. This can tie up your team on a daily basis, impeding development on future improvements. Controlling both inbound and outbound network traffic can effectively reveal bad actors at play, distinguishing between legitimate and illegitimate requests. Other recommendations for implementing network egress controls apply equally well on AWS, too.
You’ll find more network filtering best practices included in our use case study: Filtering Cloud Network Traffic and Preventing Threats. Others include meeting or exceeding application availability and scalability requirements; addressing risks associated with internal users/systems communicating with unauthorized external hosts; and leveraging a unified combination of host-based, network, and monitoring control.
Download the e-book now to review further specific solutions to your security needs within this space; read advice from your IT peers on what works for them regarding cloud security; and more solutions available on AWS Marketplace that you can integrate.

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