Posted On: Mar 25, 2024

The Amazon Connect agent workspace now supports third-party applications in general availability. Agents can use Amazon Connect’s native agent applications (Q in Connect, Cases, Customer Profiles, and Step-by-step Guides) alongside internal or custom-built agent applications, all within a unified agent workspace. For example, when the customer calls about an order, the agent workspace can automatically open a third-party shipment tracking application and display the details of the customer’s order, saving the agent from needing to navigate multiple applications or manually search for information to solve the issue. With support for third-party apps within the agent workspace, customers can reduce agent handle time and data entry errors, leading to improved customer satisfaction.

Third-party applications are available in the following AWS Regions: US East (N. Virginia), US-West (Oregon), Africa (Cape town), Asia Pacific (Seoul), Asia Pacific (Singapore), Asia Pacific (Sydney), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), Canada (Central), Europe (Frankfurt), and Europe (London).

To learn more and get started, see our admin guide and developer guide.