Increasing Revenue, Managing Costs, and Mitigating Financial Risk

CFOs are looking to increase the digital dexterity of their teams as a means to reduce risk, optimize costs, and extract value from data. Here, senior finance leaders share their thoughts on finance modernization, running lean, and the changing role of the CFO.


Mergers and Acquisitions

Mergers can be a messy business. Learn how to simplify the process with advice from our M&A experts on everything from IT integration to data sovereignty, to workforce alignment, and more.

Finance on 'Conversations with Leaders'

Conversations with Leaders is a podcast featuring executive-level discussions on leadership, culture, innovation, and maximizing ROI of technology investments. Listen to episodes of the show that focus on personal insights from finance leaders across industries and countries.

Transforming SMBs with Cloud-Based Financial Solutions
Transforming SMBs with Cloud-Based Financial Solutions
with Nathan Gill, Chief Product Officer of EposNow, and Chris Hennesey, AWS Enterprise Strategist
Listen to the podcast 
Maximizing the ROI of a Cloud Transformation
Maximizing the ROI of a Cloud Transformation
with Chhavi Arora, McKinsey Partner, Jonathan Allen, AWS Enterprise Strategist, and Tom Adams, General Manager for Business Consulting and Advisory Partners, AWS
Listen to the podcast 
Dont Overlook Cloud
Blog | 5 min read
Cutting Costs by Cutting Waste
Sometimes cutting costs through the budget mechanism is effective, quick…and necessary. But we should look more broadly at ways to manage costs that don’t interfere with value delivery and competitive advantage—ways of using frugality to support and drive growth.
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Mergers and Acquisitions: Achieving Cloud Cost Synergies
Blog | 5 min read
Mergers and Acquisitions: Achieving Cloud Cost Synergies
Research shows that the momentum for capturing cost-reducing synergies in a merger or acquisition wanes 18­­–24 months after the deal closes. The cloud can help in this post-deal race against the clock.
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Who Pays? Decomplexifying Technology Charges
Blog | 7 min read
Who Pays? Decomplexifying Technology Charges
As a CIO or CFO, have you ever questioned how IT costs are allocated within your business? Ever been overwhelmed with the complexity and lack of transparency?
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I think working to achieve leanness by searching for waste in value delivery processes is an often-neglected method that is more consistent with the ideas of the digital age. It may have short-term costs (e.g., automating to reduce repetitive manual steps) but quickly generates permanent and—importantly—scalable savings."

- Mark Schwartz, AWS Enterprise Strategist

Dont Overlook Cloud
Article | 7 min read
Don't Overlook Cloud: A Strategic Tool for CFOs
The role of the CFO is expanding rapidly. Increasingly, the CFO is charged with seeking new sources of value and leading company-wide transformation. Learn how the AWS Cloud enables CFOs to increase agility, reduce risks, and accelerate digital transformation.
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Business Value on AWS
Business Value on AWS
In this paper, we share how the AWS Cloud is transforming business and provide an analysis of these four aspects of business value based on over 1,500 public AWS case studies and examination of 15 operational and financial KPIs.
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How to Think Like a Digital CFO
How to Think Like a Digital CFO
In this ebook, AWS Enterprise Strategist Mark Schwartz compares the “old” and the “new” ways of defining what a CFO does in order to identify the traits of today's digital CFO. Though different CFOs and their enterprises have treated the role differently, it’s clear that the CFO has become central to driving the digital performance of the enterprise.
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