Posted On: Nov 12, 2019

Amazon QuickSight dashboards now support one-click filtering through QuickSight Actions. Readers of dashboards can click on data points in charts to view relevant, filtered details across other visuals. Authors can configure Actions to provide detailed insights either via filtering the same dashboard or navigating to a link outside of the dashboard via QuickSight’s URL actions. To learn more about QuickSight Actions, see here.

With this launch, you can also view ingestion history on your SPICE data sets. Ingestion history provides date/time, ingestion status and duration for SPICE data sets with refresh schedules. This feature is accessible through dataset settings and is accessible to owners of the dataset. Ingestion history also provides specific error codes for failures, allowing dataset owners to troubleshoot easily. To learn more see here.

Lastly, QuickSight supports the now() function for both SPICE and Direct Query datasets. This returns the current date and time for use in calculations and QuickSight’s natural language narratives.

All these features are now available in Enterprise Edition and Standard Editions in all QuickSight regions - US East (N. Virginia and Ohio), US West (Oregon), EU (Frankfurt, Ireland and London), and Asia Pacific (Seoul, Singapore, Sydney and Tokyo).