Posted On: Nov 26, 2019

The Amplify Framework is an open source project for building cloud-enabled mobile and web applications. The Amplify CLI (part of the Amplify Framework) is a toolchain to create, integrate, and manage the AWS cloud services for your application.  

Starting today, the Amplify CLI enables easy orchestration of AI/ML use cases which require chaining of multiple actions using a new @predictions directive on the query fields of your GraphQL schema. The Amplify CLI sets up the backend and configuration needed for all actions in the predictions directive without you needing to configure each one. Developers can then use the Amplify API category library to invoke a GraphQL query operation to get the result of chained inference calls. This simplifies your code and reduces the number of steps needed to achieve orchestration of multiple chained actions both in your frontend and backend.  

For example, if you wanted to identify the language of a text, followed by text translation and then text to speech you can simply add the predictions directive to your GraphQL schema and invoke a single GraphQL query using the Amplify API library from your client to get the end result. 

For more details on how to use the predictions directive, refer to our blog post. To lean more about Amplify Framework, check out our documentation here.