Posted On: Dec 1, 2019

Developers, press play on machine learning. We are excited to announce the preview of AWS DeepComposer, the world’s first machine learning-enabled keyboard for developers. Get hands-on, literally, with a musical keyboard and the latest machine learning techniques to compose your own music.  

With AWS DeepComposer keyboard, you can create a melody that will transform into a completely original song in seconds, all powered by AI. AWS DeepComposer includes tutorials, sample code, and training data that can be used to get started building generative models, all without having to write a single line of code. 

Generative AI is one of the biggest advancements in artificial intelligence technology, and until now, developers interested in growing skills in this area haven’t had an easy way to get started. Developers, regardless of their background in ML or music, can get started with Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). This Generative AI technique pits two different neural networks against each other to produce new and original digital works based on sample inputs. With AWS DeepComposer, you can train and optimize GAN models to create original music. 

To learn more and to sign up to the console preview visit the AWS DeepComposer webpage. The AWS DeepComposer keyboard will be available to purchase for $99 in early Q1 2020. Sign up to get notified when it's released.