Posted On: Dec 13, 2023

EC2 Image Builder now allows customers to modify processes in their image pipelines, including build and test phases, to better suit their cloud environment requirements. Customers no longer have to conduct bespoke tasks, such as post-build usability tests, external vulnerability scans, or security approval before distribution, outside their image pipeline automation. With this launch, Image Builder enables customization to its image creation process, allowing customers to enhance their automation and reduce operational overhead directly within Image Builder. This feature is available for Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) and Container images via the Console, CLI, API, CloudFormation, and CDK.

With image workflows, Image Builder allows customers to add new processes, exclude steps, or replace default processes of their image creation setup. Once customized, a saved image workflow is a new resource that can be used across your image creation setup in Image Builder. The customized image workflows can be used for usecases, such as stop build based on an external signal, run custom scripts as part of image creation, and pause build for approval with extended timeouts. Image workflows also generate detailed logs of your image workflows in your Image Builder account.

Image workflows is available in all AWS Regions, including the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions and AWS China Regions (Beijing, operated by Sinnet), and China (Ningxia, operated by NWCD).

Find information about image workflows in feature documentation. Learn more about EC2 Image Builder in documentation. Also, share feedback on upcoming Image Builder features through our public roadmap.