Manage SLO exclusion time windows using CloudWatch Application Signals
Customers can now set exclusion time windows to avoid affecting a service's reliability score during planned downtime. This feature works with service-level objectives (SLOs) that are created and tracked using CloudWatch Application Signals. SLOs help track longer term performance of services against pre-defined thresholds. Customers can now gain control for pausing/resuming their SLOs during planned outages on CloudWatch Application Signals, an application performance monitoring (APM) tool that simplifies health and performance monitoring for applications hosted on AWS.
Customers occasionally need to omit specific timeframes from their SLO status and budget calculations due to scheduled maintenance, such as a periodical database maintenance window. This could be a single event, like a one time testing window, or a repeating event, such as off-hours. Using the Application Signals console or the SLO CloudFormation template, they can configure a start date and time, plus a duration or end time, to pause SLO measurements during a specific window. The new feature allows for configuring exclusion windows for multiple SLOs at a time, including existing SLOs.
All regions with Application Signals also support SLO time window exclusion. See documentation to learn more about SLOs. Customers may now sign up for the new bundled pricing plan for Application Signals. To learn more, see Amazon CloudWatch pricing.