AWS Compute Blog
Building well-architected serverless applications: Controlling serverless API access – part 3
This series of blog posts uses the AWS Well-Architected Tool with the Serverless Lens to help customers build and operate applications using best practices. In each post, I address the nine serverless-specific questions identified by the Serverless Lens along with the recommended best practices. See the Introduction post for a table of contents and explanation of the example application.
Security question SEC1: How do you control access to your serverless API?
This post continues part 2 of this security question. Previously, I cover Amazon Cognito user and identity pools, JSON web tokens (JWT), API keys and usage plans.
Best practice: Scope access based on identity’s metadata
Authenticated users should be separated into logical groups, roles, or tiers. Separation can also be based on custom authentication token attributes included within Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) or JSON Web Tokens (JWT). Consider using the user’s identity metadata to enable fine-grain control access to resources and actions.
Scoping access based on authentication metadata allows you to provide limited and fine-grained capabilities and access to consumers based on their roles and intent.
Review levels of access, identity metadata, and separate consumers into logical groups/tiers
With JWT or SAML, ensure you have the right level of information available within the token claims to help you develop authorization logic. Use custom private claims along with a unique namespace for non-public information. Private claims are to share custom information specifically with your application client. Unique namespaces are to avoid name collision for custom claims. For more information, see the AWS Partner Network blog post “Understanding JWT Public, Private and Reserved Claims”.
With Amazon Cognito, you can use custom attributes or the Pre Token Generation Lambda Trigger feature. This AWS Lambda trigger allows you to customize a JWT token claim before the token is generated.
To illustrate using Amazon Cognito groups, I use the example from this blog post. The example uses Amplify CLI to create a web application for managing group membership. API Gateway handles authentication using an Amazon Cognito user pool as part of an administrator API. Two Amazon Cognito user pool groups are created using amplify auth update
, one for admin, and one for editors.
- I navigate to the deployed web application and create two users, an administrator called someadminuser and an editor user called awesomeeditor.
- I navigate to the Amazon Cognito user pool console, choose Users and groups under General settings, and can see that both users are created.
- I choose the Groups tab and see that there are two user pool groups set up as part of
amplify auth update
. - I add the someadminuser to the admin group.
- I choose the Groups tab and see that there are two user pool groups set up as part of
- There is an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role associated with the administrator group. This IAM role has an associated identity policy that grants permission to access an S3 bucket for some future application functionality.
- I log on to the web application using both the someadminuser and awesomeeditor accounts and compare the two JWT
Amazon Cognito has generated.
The someadminuser has a cognito:groups
claim within the token showing membership of the user pool group admin
This token with its group claim can be used in a number of ways to authorize access.
Within this example frontend application, the token is used against an API Gateway resource using an Amazon Cognito authorizer.
An Amazon Cognito authorizer is an alternative to using IAM or Lambda authorizers to control access to your API Gateway method. The client first signs in to the user pool, and receives a token. The client then calls the API method with the token which is typically in the request’s Authorization
header. The API call only succeeds if a valid is supplied. Without the correct token, the client isn’t authorized to make the call.
In this example, the Amazon Cognito authorizer authorizes access at the API method. Next, the event payload passed to the Lambda function contains the token. The function reads the token information. If the group membership claim includes admin, it adds the awesomeeditor user to the Amazon Cognito user pool group editors.
- To see how this is configured, I navigate to the API Gateway console and select the AdminQueries API.
- I view the
resource. - I see that the Integration Request is set to
. which calls the AdminQueries Lambda function.
- I view the Method Request.
- Authorization is set to an Amazon Cognito user pool authorizer with an OAuth scope of
. - I navigate to the Authorizers menu item, and can see the configured Amazon Cognito authorizer.
- In the Amazon Cognito user pool details, the Token Source is set to
. This is the name of the header sent to the Amazon Cognito user pool for authorization.
- Authorization is set to an Amazon Cognito user pool authorizer with an OAuth scope of
- I navigate to the AWS Lambda console, select the AdminQueries function which
amplify add auth
added, and choose the Permissions tab. I select the Execution role and view its Permissions policies. - I see that the function execution role allows write permission to the Amazon Cognito user pool resource. This allows the function to amend the user pool group membership.
- I navigate to the AWS Lambda console, select the AdminQueries function which
- I navigate back to the AWS Lambda console, and view the configuration for the AdminQueries function. There is an environment variable set for GROUP=admin.
The Lambda function code checks if the
token includes the GROUP environment variable value of admin
. If not, the function returns err.statusCode = 403
and an error message. Here is the relevant section of code within the function.
This example shows using a JWT to perform authorization within a Lambda function.
If the authorization is successful, the function continues and adds the awesomeeditor user to the editors group.
To show this flow in action:
- I log on to the web application using the awesomeeditor account, which is not a member of the admin group. I choose the Add to Group button.
- Using the browser developer tools I see that the API request has failed, returning the 403 error code from the Lambda function.
- I log on to the web application using the someadminuser account and choose the Add to Group button.
- Using the browser developer tools I see that the API request is now successful as the user is a member of the admin group.
- I navigate back to the Amazon Cognito user pool console, and view Users and groups. The awesomeeditor user is now a member of the editors group.
The Lambda function has added the awesomeeditor account to the editors group.
Implement authorization logic based on authentication metadata
Another way to separate users for authorization is using Amazon Cognito to define a resource server with custom scopes.
A resource server is a server for access-protected resources. It handles authenticated requests from an app that has an access token. This API can be hosted in Amazon API Gateway or outside of AWS. A scope is a level of access that an app can request to a resource. For example, if you have a resource server for airline flight details, it might define two scopes. One scope for all customers with read access to view the flight details, and one for airline employees with write access to add new flights. When the app makes an API call to request access and passes an access token, the token has one or more embedded scopes.
This allows you to provide different access levels to API resources for different application clients based on the custom scopes. It is another mechanism for separating users during authentication.
For authorizing based on token claims, use an API Gateway Lambda authorizer.
For more information, see “Using Amazon Cognito User Pool Scopes with Amazon API Gateway”.
With AWS AppSync, use GraphQL resolvers. AWS Amplify can also generate fine-grained authorization logic via GraphQL transformers (directives). You can annotate your GraphQL schema to a specific data type, data field, and specific GraphQL operation you want to allow access. These can include JWT groups or custom claims. For more information, see “GraphQL API Security with AWS AppSync and Amplify”, and the AWS AppSync documentation for Authorization Use Cases, and fine-grained access control.
Improvement plan summary:
- Review levels of access, identity metadata and separate consumers into logical groups/tiers.
- Implement authorization logic based on authentication metadata
Controlling serverless application API access using authentication and authorization mechanisms can help protect against unauthorized access and prevent unnecessary use of resources. In part 1, I cover the different mechanisms for authorization available for API Gateway and AWS AppSync. I explain the different approaches for public or private endpoints and show how to use IAM to control access to internal or private API consumers.
In part 2, I cover using Amplify CLI to add a GraphQL API with an Amazon Cognito user pool handling authentication. I explain how to view JSON Web Token (JWT) claims, and how to use Amazon Cognito identity pools to grant temporary access to AWS services. I also show how to use API keys and API Gateway usage plans for rate limiting and throttling requests.
In this post, I cover separating authenticated users into logical groups. I first show how to use Amazon Cognito user pool groups to separate users with an Amazon Cognito authorizer to control access to an API Gateway method. I also show how JWTs can be passed to a Lambda function to perform authorization within a function. I then explain how to also separate users using custom scopes by defining an Amazon Cognito resource server.
In the next post in the series, I cover the second security question from the Well-Architected Serverless Lens – Managing serverless security boundaries.