AWS Compute Blog

Caching data and configuration settings with AWS Lambda extensions

This post is written by Hari Ohm Prasath Rajagopal, Senior Modernization Architect and Vamsi Vikash Ankam, Technical Account Manager

In this post, I show how to build a flexible in-memory AWS Lambda caching layer using Lambda extensions. Lambda functions use REST API calls to access the data and configuration from the cache. This can reduce latency and cost when consuming data from AWS services such as Amazon DynamoDB, AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store, and AWS Secrets Manager.

Applications making frequent API calls to retrieve static data can benefit from a caching layer. This can reduce the function’s latency, particularly for synchronous requests, as the data is retrieved from the cache instead of an external service. The cache can also reduce costs by reducing the number of calls to downstream services.

There are two types of cache to consider in this situation:

Lambda extensions are a new way for tools to integrate more easily into the Lambda execution environment and control and participate in Lambda’s lifecycle. They use the Extensions API, a new HTTP interface, to register for lifecycle events during function initialization, invocation, and shutdown.

They can also use environment variables to add options and tools to the runtime, or use wrapper scripts to customize the runtime startup behavior. The Lambda cache uses Lambda extensions to run as a separate process.

To learn more about how to use extensions with your functions, read “Introducing AWS Lambda extensions”.

Creating a cache using Lambda extensions

To set up the example, visit the GitHub repo, and follow the instructions in the file.

The demo uses AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) to deploy the infrastructure. The walkthrough requires AWS SAM CLI (minimum version 0.48) and an AWS account.

To install the example:

  1. Create an AWS account if you do not already have one and login.
  2. Clone the repo to your local development machine:
  3. git clone
    cd aws-lambda-extensions/cache-extension-demo/
  4. If you are not running in a Linux environment, ensure that your build architecture matches the Lambda execution environment by compiling with GOOS=linux and GOARCH=amd64.
  5. GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64
  6. Build the Go binary extension with the following command:
  7. go build -o bin/extensions/cache-extension-demo main.go
  8. Ensure that the extensions files are executable:
  9. chmod +x bin/extensions/cache-extension-demo
  10. Update the parameters region value in ../example-function/config.yaml with the Region where you are deploying the function.
  11. parameters:
      - region: us-west-2
  12. Build the function dependencies.
  13. cd SAM
    sam build
    AWS SAM build

    AWS SAM build

  14. Deploy the AWS resources specified in the template.yml file:
  15. sam deploy --guided
  16. During the prompts:
  17. Enter a stack name cache-extension-demo.
  18. Enter the same AWS Region specified previously.
  19. Accept the default DatabaseName. You can specify a custom database name, and also update the ../example-function/config.yaml and index.js files with the new database name.
  20. Enter MySecret as the Secrets Manager secret.
  21. Accept the defaults for the remaining questions.
  22. AWS SAM Deploy

    AWS SAM Deploy

    AWS SAM deploys:

    • A DynamoDB table.
    • The Lambda function ExtensionsCache-DatabaseEntry, which puts a sample item into the DynamoDB table.
    • An AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store parameter called CacheExtensions_Parameter1 with a value of MyParameter.
    • An AWS Secrets Manager secret called secret_info with a value of MySecret.
    • A Lambda layer called Cache_Extension_Layer.
    • A Lambda function using Nodejs.12 called ExtensionsCache-SampleFunction. This reads the cached values via the extension from either the DynamoDB table, Parameter Store, or Secrets Manager.
    • IAM permissions

    The cache extension is delivered as a Lambda layer and added to ExtensionsCache-SampleFunction.

    It is written as a self-contained binary in Golang, which makes the extension compatible with all of the supported runtimes. The extension caches the data from DynamoDB, Parameter Store, and Secrets Manager, and then runs a local HTTP endpoint to service the data. The Lambda function retrieves the configuration data from the cache using a local HTTP REST API call.

    Here is the architecture diagram.

    Extensions cache architecture diagram

    Extensions cache architecture diagram

    Once deployed, the extension performs the following steps:

    1. On start-up, the extension reads the config.yaml file, which determines which resources to cache. The file is deployed as part of the Lambda function.
    2. The boolean CACHE_EXTENSION_INIT_STARTUP Lambda environment variable specifies whether to load into cache the items specified in config.yaml. If false, the extension initializes an empty map with the names.
    3. The extension retrieves the required data based on the resources in the config.yaml file. This includes the data from DynamoDB, the configuration from Parameter Store, and the secret from Secrets Manager. The data is stored in memory.
    4. The extension starts a local HTTP server using TCP port 4000, which serves the cache items to the function. The Lambda function accesses the local in-memory cache by invoking the following endpoint: http://localhost:4000/<cachetype>?name=<name>.
    5. If the data is not available in the cache, or has expired, the extension accesses the corresponding AWS service to retrieve the data. It is cached first and then returned to the Lambda function. The CACHE_EXTENSION_TTL Lambda environment variable defines the refresh interval (defined based on Go time format, for example: 30s, 3m, etc.)

    This sequence diagram explains the data flow:

    Extensions cache sequence diagram

    Extensions cache sequence diagram

    Testing the example application

    Once the AWS SAM template is deployed, navigate to the AWS Lambda console.

    1. Select the function starting with the name ExtensionsCache-SampleFunction. Within the function code, the options array specifies which data to return from the cache. This is initially set to path: '/dynamodb?name=DynamoDbTable-pKey1-sKey1'
    2. Choose Configure test events to configure a test event.
    3. Enter a name for the Event name, accept the default payload, and select Create.
    4. Select Test to invoke the function. This returns the cached data from DynamoDB and logs the output.
    5. Successfully retrieve DynamoDB data from cache

      Successfully retrieve DynamoDB data from cache

    6. In the index.js file, amend the path statement to retrieve the Parameter Store configuration:
    7. const options = {
        "hostname": "localhost",
        "port": 4000,
        "path": "/parameters?name=CacheExtensions_Parameter1",
        "method": "GET"
    8. Select Deploy to save the function configuration and select Test. The function returns the Parameter Store configuration item:
    9. Successfully retrieve Parameter Store data from cache

      Successfully retrieve Parameter Store data from cache

    10. In the function code, amend the path statement to retrieve the Secrets Manager secret:
    11. const options = {
        "hostname": "localhost",
        "port": 4000,
        "path": "/parameters?name=/aws/reference/secretsmanager/secret_info",
        "method": "GET"
    12. Select Deploy to save the function configuration and select Test. The function returns the secret:
    Successfully retrieve Secrets Manager data from cache

    Successfully retrieve Secrets Manager data from cache

    The benefits of using Lambda extensions

    There are a number of benefits to using a Lambda extension for this solution:

    1. Improved Lambda function performance as data is cached in memory by the extension during initialization.
    2. Fewer AWS API calls to external services, this can reduce costs and helps avoid throttling limits if services are accessed frequently.
    3. Cache data is stored in memory and not in a file within the Lambda execution environment. This means that no additional process is required to manage the lifecycle of the file. In-memory is also more secure, as data is not persisted to disk for subsequent function invocations.
    4. The function requires less code, as it only needs to communicate with the extension via HTTP to retrieve the data. The function does not have to have additional libraries installed to communicate with DynamoDB, Parameter Store, Secrets Manager, or the local file system.
    5. The cache extension is a Golang compiled binary and the executable can be shared with functions running other runtimes like Node.js, Python, Java, etc.
    6. Using a YAML template to store the details of what to cache makes it easier to configure and add additional services.

    Comparing the performance benefit

    To test the performance of the cache extension, I compare two tests:

    1. A Golang Lambda function that accesses a secret from AWS Secrets Manager for every invocation.
    2. The ExtensionsCache-SampleFunction, previously deployed using AWS SAM. This uses the cache extension to access the secrets from Secrets Manager, the function reads the value from the cache.

    Both functions are configured with 512 MB of memory and the function timeout is set to 30 seconds.

    I use Artillery to load test both Lambda functions. The load runs for 100 invocations over 2 minutes. I use Amazon CloudWatch metrics to view the function average durations.

    Test 1 shows a duration of 43 ms for the first invocation as a cold start. Subsequent invocations average 22 ms.

    Test 1 performance results

    Test 1 performance results

    Test 2 shows a duration of 16 ms for the first invocation as a cold start. Subsequent invocations average 3 ms.

    Test 2 performance results

    Test 2 performance results

    Using the Lambda extensions caching layer shows a significant performance improvement. Cold start invocation duration is reduced by 62% and subsequent invocations by 80%.

    In this example, the CACHE_EXTENSION_INIT_STARTUP environment variable flag is not configured. With the flag enabled for the extension, data is pre-fetched during extension initialization and the cold start time is further reduced.


    Using Lambda extensions is an effective way to cache static data from external services in Lambda functions. This reduces function latency and costs. This post shows how to build both a data and configuration cache using DynamoDB, Parameter Store, and Secrets Manager.

    To set up the walkthrough demo in this post, visit the GitHub repo, and follow the instructions in the file.

    The extension uses a local configuration file to determine which values to cache, and retrieves the items from the external services. A Lambda function retrieves the values from the local cache using an HTTP request, without having to communicate with the external services directly. In this example, this results in an 80% reduction in function invocation time.

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