AWS Compute Blog

Tag: Lambda extensions

Extensions cache architecture diagram

Caching data and configuration settings with AWS Lambda extensions

This post is written by Hari Ohm Prasath Rajagopal, Senior Modernization Architect and Vamsi Vikash Ankam, Technical Account Manager In this post, I show how to build a flexible in-memory AWS Lambda caching layer using Lambda extensions. Lambda functions use REST API calls to access the data and configuration from the cache. This can reduce […]

Lambda container image support

Working with Lambda layers and extensions in container images

In this post, I explain how to use AWS Lambda layers and extensions with Lambda functions packaged and deployed as container images. Previously, Lambda functions were packaged only as .zip archives. This includes functions created in the AWS Management Console. You can now also package and deploy Lambda functions as container images. You can use […]

Lambda Logs API

Using AWS Lambda extensions to send logs to custom destinations

You can now send logs from AWS Lambda functions directly to a destination of your choice using AWS Lambda Extensions. Lambda Extensions are a new way for monitoring, observability, security, and governance tools to easily integrate with AWS Lambda. For more information, see “Introducing AWS Lambda Extensions”. To help you troubleshoot failures in Lambda functions, […]

Lambda lifecycle for execution environment, runtime, extensions, and function.png

Building Extensions for AWS Lambda

AWS Lambda Extensions is now generally available, For more information, see “Getting started with using your favorite operational tools on AWS Lambda“. AWS Lambda is announcing a preview of Lambda Extensions, a new way to easily integrate Lambda with your favorite monitoring, observability, security, and governance tools. Extensions enable tools to integrate deeply into the […]

AWS Lambda execution environment with the Extensions API

Introducing AWS Lambda Extensions

AWS Lambda Extensions is now generally available, For more information, see “Getting started with using your favorite operational tools on AWS Lambda“. AWS Lambda is announcing a preview of Lambda Extensions, a new way to easily integrate Lambda with your favorite monitoring, observability, security, and governance tools. In this post I explain how Lambda extensions […]