AWS Compute Blog

Optimizing for cost, availability and throughput by selecting your AWS Batch allocation strategy

This post is contributed by Steve Kendrex, Senior Technical Product Manager, AWS Batch   Introduction   AWS offers a broad range of instances that are advantageous for batch workloads. The scale and provisioning speed of AWS’ compute instances allow you to get up and running at peak capacity in minutes without paying for downtime. Today, I’m […]

Leveraging Elastic Fabric Adapter to run HPC and ML Workloads on AWS Batch

Leveraging Elastic Fabric Adapter to run HPC and ML Workloads on AWS Batch  This post is contributed by  Sean Smith, Software Development Engineer II, AWS ParallelCluster & Arya Hezarkhani, Software Development Engineer II, AWS Batch and HPC   On August 2, 2019, AWS Batch announced support for Elastic Fabric Adapter (EFA). This enables you to run highly […]

Deploying a highly available WordPress site on Amazon Lightsail, Part 1: Implementing a highly available Lightsail database with WordPress

This post is contributed by Mike Coleman | Developer Advocate for Lightsail | Twitter: @mikegcoleman This post walks you through what to consider when architecting a scalable, redundant WordPress site. It discusses how WordPress stores such elements as user accounts, posts, settings, media, and themes, and how to configure WordPress to work with a standalone […]

Building a pocket platform-as-a-service with Amazon Lightsail

This post was written by Robert Zhu, a principal technical evangelist at AWS and a member of the GraphQL Working Group.  When you start a new web-based project, you need lightweight infrastructure that addresses your immediate needs. For my projects, I prioritize simplicity, flexibility, value, and on-demand capacity, and find myself quickly needing the following […]

Update: Issue affecting HashiCorp Terraform resource deletions after the VPC Improvements to AWS Lambda

On September 3, 2019, we announced an exciting update that improves the performance, scale, and efficiency of AWS Lambda functions when working with Amazon VPC networks. You can learn more about the improvements in the original blog post. These improvements represent a significant change in how elastic network interfaces (ENIs) are configured to connect to […]

Improving the Getting Started experience with AWS Lambda

Update – October 30, 2019: This experience is now available in the following regions: us-east-1, us-east-2, us-west-1, us-west-2, ap-northeast-1, ab-northeast-2, ap-south-1, ap-southeast-1, ap-southeast-2, ca-central-1, eu-central-1, eu-west-1, eu-west-2, eu-west-3, sa-east-1. Original post from October 3, 2019: A common question from developers is, “How do I get started with creating serverless applications?” Frequently, I point developers to the […]

Visualizing Sensor Data in Amazon QuickSight

This post is courtesy of Moheeb Zara, Developer Advocate, AWS Serverless The Internet of Things (IoT) is a term used wherever physical devices are networked in some meaningful connected way. Often, this takes the form of sensor data collection and analysis. As the number of devices and size of data scales, it can become costly […]

Automating Notifications Solutions Overview

Automating notifications when AMI permissions change

This post is courtesy of Ernes Taljic, Solutions Architect and Sudhanshu Malhotra, Solutions Architect This post demonstrates how to automate alert notifications when users modify the permissions of an Amazon Machine Image (AMI). You can use it as a blueprint for a wide variety of alert notifications by making simple modifications to the events that you […]

Integrating an Inferencing Pipeline with NVIDIA DeepStream and the G4 Instance Family

Contributed by: Amr Ragab, Business Development Manager, Accelerated Computing, AWS and Kong Zhao, Solution Architect, NVIDIA Corporation AWS continually evolves GPU offerings, striving to showcase how new technical improvements created by AWS partners improve the platform’s performance. One result from AWS’s collaboration with NVIDIA is the recent release of the G4 instance type, a technology […]

Automating your lift-and-shift migration at no cost with CloudEndure Migration

This post is courtesy of Gonen Stein, Head of Product Strategy, CloudEndure  Acquired by AWS in January 2019, CloudEndure offers a highly automated migration tool to simplify and expedite rehost (lift-and-shift) migrations. AWS recently announced that CloudEndure Migration is now available to all customers and partners at no charge. Each free CloudEndure Migration license provides 90 […]