AWS DevOps Blog

Category: Learning Levels

Creating CI/CD pipelines for ASP.NET 4.x with AWS CodePipeline and AWS Elastic Beanstalk

By Kirk Davis, Specialized Solutions Architect, Microsoft Platform team As customers migrate ASP.NET (on .NET Framework) applications to AWS, many choose to deploy these apps with AWS Elastic Beanstalk, which provides a managed .NET platform to deploy, scale, and update the apps. Customers often ask how to create CI/CD pipelines for these ASP.NET 4.x (.NET […]

Integrating SonarCloud with AWS CodePipeline using AWS CodeBuild

In most development processes, common challenges include the quality of released code and the efficiency of the code review process. There are multiple tools providing insights into code quality which can easily be integrated into the daily routine of the development team. One such tool is SonarCloud, a code analysis as a service provided by […]

Transforming DevOps at Broadridge on AWS

with Tom Koukourdelis (Broadridge – Vice President, Head of Global Cloud Platform Development and Engineering), Sreedhar Reddy (Broadridge – Vice President, Enterprise Cloud Architecture) We have seen large enterprises in all industry segments meaningfully utilizing AWS to build new capabilities and deliver business value. While doing so, enterprises have to balance existing systems, processes, tools, […]

Debugging with Amazon CloudWatch Synthetics and AWS X-Ray

Today, AWS X-Ray launches support for Amazon CloudWatch Synthetics, enabling developers to trace end-to-end requests from configurable scripts called “canaries”.  These canaries run the test script to monitor web endpoints and APIs using modular, light-weight tests that run 24×7, once per minute. It continuously captures the behavior and availability of the endpoint or URL being […]

Integrating CodePipeline with on-premises Bitbucket Server

This blog post demonstrates how to integrate AWS CodePipeline with on-premises Bitbucket Server. If you want to integrate with Bitbucket Cloud, see AWS CodePipeline Now Supports Atlassian Bitbucket Cloud (Beta). The AWS Lambda function provided can get the source code from a Bitbucket Server repository whenever the user sends a new code push and store […]

Migration to AWS CodeCommit, AWS CodePipeline and AWS CodeBuild From GitLab

This walkthrough shows you how to migrate multiple repositories to AWS CodeCommit from GitLab and set up a CI/CD pipeline using AWS CodePipeline and AWS CodeBuild. Event notifications and pull requests are sent to Amazon Chime for project team member communication. AWS CodeCommit supports all Git commands and works with existing Git tools. I can […]

Building and testing polyglot applications using AWS CodeBuild

Prakash Palanisamy, Solutions Architect Microservices are becoming the new normal, and it’s natural to use multiple different programming languages for different microservices in the same application. This blog post explains how easy it is to build polyglot applications, test them, and package them for deployment using a single AWS CodeBuild project. CodeBuild adds support for […]