AWS Machine Learning Blog

Category: Amazon SageMaker

Introducing an image-to-speech Generative AI application using Amazon SageMaker and Hugging Face

Vision loss comes in various forms. For some, it’s from birth, for others, it’s a slow descent over time which comes with many expiration dates: The day you can’t see pictures, recognize yourself, or loved ones faces or even read your mail. In our previous blogpost Enable the Visually Impaired to Hear Documents using Amazon […]

Build a serverless meeting summarization backend with large language models on Amazon SageMaker JumpStart

AWS delivers services that meet customers’ artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) needs with services ranging from custom hardware like AWS Trainium and AWS Inferentia to generative AI foundation models (FMs) on Amazon Bedrock. In February 2022, AWS and Hugging Face announced a collaboration to make generative AI more accessible and cost efficient. Generative […]

Prepare training and validation dataset for facies classification using a Snowflake OAuth connection and Amazon SageMaker Canvas

February 2024: This post was reviewed and updated for accuracy. This post is co-written with Thatcher Thornberry from bpx energy.  Facies classification is the process of segmenting lithologic formations from geologic data at the wellbore location. During drilling, wireline logs are obtained, which have depth-dependent geologic information. Geologists are deployed to analyze this log data […]

GPT-NeoXT-Chat-Base-20B foundation model for chatbot applications is now available on Amazon SageMaker

Today we are excited to announce that Together Computer’s GPT-NeoXT-Chat-Base-20B language foundation model is available for customers using Amazon SageMaker JumpStart. GPT-NeoXT-Chat-Base-20B is an open-source model to build conversational bots. You can easily try out this model and use it with JumpStart. JumpStart is the machine learning (ML) hub of Amazon SageMaker that provides access […]

AI-powered code suggestions and security scans in Amazon SageMaker notebooks using Amazon CodeWhisperer and Amazon CodeGuru

Amazon SageMaker comes with two options to spin up fully managed notebooks for exploring data and building machine learning (ML) models. The first option is fast start, collaborative notebooks accessible within Amazon SageMaker Studio—a fully integrated development environment (IDE) for machine learning. You can quickly launch notebooks in Studio, easily dial up or down the […]

Operationalize ML models built in Amazon SageMaker Canvas to production using the Amazon SageMaker Model Registry

You can now register machine learning (ML) models built in Amazon SageMaker Canvas with a single click to the Amazon SageMaker Model Registry, enabling you to operationalize ML models in production. Canvas is a visual interface that enables business analysts to generate accurate ML predictions on their own—without requiring any ML experience or having to […]

Amazon SageMaker with TensorBoard: An overview of a hosted TensorBoard experience

Today, data scientists who are training deep learning models need to identify and remediate model training issues to meet accuracy targets for production deployment, and require a way to utilize standard tools for debugging model training. Among the data scientist community, TensorBoard is a popular toolkit that allows data scientists to visualize and analyze various […]

Reduce Amazon SageMaker inference cost with AWS Graviton

Amazon SageMaker provides a broad selection of machine learning (ML) infrastructure and model deployment options to help meet your ML inference needs. It’s a fully-managed service and integrates with MLOps tools so you can work to scale your model deployment, reduce inference costs, manage models more effectively in production, and reduce operational burden. SageMaker provides […]

­­­­How Sleepme uses Amazon SageMaker for automated temperature control to maximize sleep quality in real time

This is a guest post co-written with Trey Robinson, CTO at Sleepme Inc. Sleepme is an industry leader in sleep temperature management and monitoring products, including an Internet of Things (IoT) enabled sleep tracking sensor suite equipped with heart rate, respiration rate, bed and ambient temperature, humidity, and pressure sensors. Sleepme offers a smart mattress […]

Publish predictive dashboards in Amazon QuickSight using ML predictions from Amazon SageMaker Canvas

April 2024: This post was reviewed and updated for accuracy. Understanding business trends, customer behavior, sales revenue, increase in demand, and buyer propensity all start with data. Exploring, analyzing, interpreting, and finding trends in data is essential for businesses to achieve successful outcomes. Business analysts play a pivotal role in facilitating data-driven business decisions through […]