AWS Storage Blog

Category: Management Tools

AWS Transfer Family Featured Image

­­Encrypt and decrypt files with PGP and AWS Transfer Family

1/11/2024: Updates made due to CloudShell migration to Amazon Linux 2023 (AL2023). Protecting sensitive data is not a novel idea. Customers in industries like financial services and healthcare regularly exchange files containing sensitive data, including Personal Identifiable Information (PII) and financial records with their users. Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) encryption of these files is often […]

Amazon S3 featured image - new

Find public Amazon S3 buckets in your AWS account

Data is key to business, and securing it from unintended access is a critical business activity. As cloud usage increases, this can be a significant task to address. You want to verify that you aren’t unintentionally exposing or sharing data publicly. Under the Shared Responsibility Model, AWS is responsible for protecting the infrastructure that runs […]

S3 Security

Disabling ACLs for existing Amazon S3 workloads with information in S3 server access logs and AWS CloudTrail

Access control lists (ACLs) are permission sets that define user access, and the operations users can take on specific resources. Amazon S3 was launched in 2006 with ACLs as its first authorization mechanism. Since 2011, Amazon S3 has also supported AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies for managing access to S3 buckets, and recommends using […]

Performance analysis for different Amazon EFS throughput modes via Amazon CloudWatch

When I talk with customers about their file storage, I frequently get asked “How can I determine the right throughput capacity for my file storage?” The simple answer is through monitoring the performance of your workload to determine the right performance configuration for your file storage. Throughput modes for Amazon Elastic File System (EFS) determine […]

Seamlessly map file shares for Amazon FSx for Windows File Server with AWS Auto Scaling

When managing a fleet of Windows instances, you often need a central repository for files that can be accessed from multiple locations. Having an automatically mapped Server Message Block (SMB) file share when your end-users connect to the domain-joined instances automates the repetitive and time-consuming task of mapping file shares manually to hundreds of new […]

Amazon FSx for NetApp OnTAP

Create a cross-platform distributed file system with Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP

Due to need to control costs in the face of exponential data growth, doing more with existing on-premise resources while minimizing their growth has become ever more important. Most organizations would like to enjoy the benefits of the cloud while leveraging their existing on-premise file assets to create a highly resilient hybrid enterprise file share. […]

Maximizing price performance for big data workloads using Amazon EBS

Since the emergence of big data over a decade ago, Hadoop ­– an open-source framework that is used to efficiently store and process large datasets – has been crucial in storing, analyzing, and reducing that data to provide value for enterprises. Hadoop lets you store structured, partially structured, or unstructured data of any kind across […]

AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery

Using AWS Systems Manager to upgrade from CloudEndure Disaster Recovery to AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery

AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery (DRS) is the recommended service for disaster recovery to AWS. It’s the next generation of CloudEndure Disaster Recovery (CEDR), as CloudEndure Disaster Recovery technology was used to build Elastic Disaster Recovery. Now you can upgrade replicating source servers from CloudEndure Disaster Recovery to Elastic Disaster Recovery. This is accomplished via the CEDR Server […]

Improve application resiliency with Amazon EBS volume metrics and AWS Fault Injection Simulator

When business build applications, it is crucial to monitor those applications and take measures if and when needed to avoid downtime, and potentially, revenue loss. Choosing the correct metrics to monitor and setting up alarms as needed is table stakes for customers to achieve their application resiliency and availability goals. Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon […]

Automating Amazon CloudWatch dashboard creation for Amazon EBS volume KPIs

Enterprises can benefit significantly from optimizing block storage performance in the cloud. One of the primary benefits is having faster and more reliable data access to support critical business operations and real-time applications by achieving reduced latency and higher throughput. Another benefit is realizing cost savings by increasing storage operational efficiency to reduce the need […]