Галерея Amazon QuickSight

Ознакомьтесь с примерами отраслевой и предметной аналитики, которую создали клиенты Amazon QuickSight. Свяжитесь с нами, и мы поможем вам начать работу самостоятельно.

Showing results: 1-18
Total results: 18
  • Отрасль (в алфавитном порядке)
  • Отрасль (в обратном алфавитном порядке)
  • Партнер (в алфавитном порядке)
  • Партнер (в обратном алфавитном порядке)
  • Education

    Diversity, Equity and inclusion

    Understand how diversity, equity, and inclusion impact healthcare, household worth, food security, and education using data from AWS Data Exchange.
  • Education


    View budget, revenue, and expenditure allocation across school levels and functions.
  • Education


    See SAT score assessment and college readiness for students by specific demographic categories.
  • Finance


    Gain insights into US mutual fund and ETF performance.
    West Loop Strategy
  • Healthcare


    Deliver better care by streamlining allocation based on physician performance and services offered.
    Belle Fleur Technologies
  • Insurance

    General Insurance

    View total combined ratio for a Line of Business and drill down to the policy level.
  • Insurance


    Understand how the Property and Casualty insurance division performs against goal.
    Ironside Group LLC
  • IoT


    Gain visibility into the performance metrics of your IoT devices and sensors.
    Belle Fleur Technologies
  • Manufacturing


    See how manufacturers and service providers take control of processes, reduce mistakes, and improve work quality.
  • Manufacturing


    Gain visibility into energy utilization, capacity utilization, quality, damage product rate and operational efficiency for manufacturing plants.
    Quantiphi, Inc
  • Professional Services

    Professional Services

    Turn unstructured email communications into sales insights and align them with the skills of your team.
  • Retail

    Retail E-commerce Analysis

    Analyze web shop traffic, product sales and customer behavior.
    Woodmark Consulting AG
  • Retail

    Vehicle Vending Machine performance

    Understand the key metrics and gain clear insights into how vehicle retailers stock their vending machines to promote sales and profits.
    Wavicle Data Solutions
  • Retail


    See how retail store managers and executives can get a 360-degree view of sales performance.
    Ironside Group, LLC
  • Retail

    Retail (Japanese)

    Understand the common visualizations used by retailers in Japan for analyzing product sales and e-commerce customer review.
  • Retail

    Whitespot Analysis

    Analyze impact of demographics on store sales and find new store locations.
    Woodmark Consulting AG
  • Retail

    Retail E-commerce

    Gain customer and agent level insights to enhance call center operations.
    Quantiphi, Inc
  • Utility


    See how to resolve customer electricity generation and demand issues by forecasting based on historical data.
    Belle Fleur Technologies

Решения для управления затратами и оптимизации AWS

Showing results: 1-3
Total results: 3
  • Cost Intelligence Dashboard

    Create the foundation of your own AWS cost management and optimization tool with features such as billing summary for chargeback and a single view of benefits from your Reserved Instances (RI) and Savings Plans.

    In-depth, granular, and recommendation-driven dashboard to dive deep into AWS cost and usage and to fine-tune efficiency with features such as resource-level granularity and service-level alerts.
  • Trusted Advisor Organizational View

    Provides comprehensive details and trends across your entire AWS Organization's Trusted Advisor reports including optimization, security checks, and more.

Начать работу бесплатно

QuickSight позволяет легко предоставлять расширенные аналитические возможности, адаптированные к вашим приложениям, порталам и веб-сайтам. QuickSight не требует управления серверами или инфраструктурой и рассчитан на рост вместе с вами. Его архитектура масштабируется до миллионов клиентов, а вы платите только за то, что используете.