Step Functions 簡介
了解 AWS Step Functions 如何針對現代應用程式提供無伺服器協同運作。
Step Functions 的優勢
Step Functions 是一種視覺化的工作流程服務,有助於開發人員使用 AWS 服務建置分散式應用程式、自動化流程、協同運作微型服務,以及建立資料和機器學習 (ML) 管道。
Combine multiple AWS Lambda functions into responsive serverless applications and microservices.
Iterate over and process large data-sets such as security logs, transaction data, or image and video files.
自動化擷取、轉換和載入 (ETL) 程序
Ensure that multiple long-running ETL jobs run in order and complete successfully, without the need for manual orchestration.
自動化安全和 IT 功能
Create automated workflows, including manual approval steps, for security incident response.