Posted On: Nov 1, 2012
We are excited to announce that AWS Elastic Beanstalk now supports Ruby applications and Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC). Elastic Beanstalk allows you to focus on building your application, without having to worry about the provisioning, deployment, monitoring, and scaling details of your Java, PHP, Python, .NET, and now Ruby applications. With Amazon VPC, Elastic Beanstalk lets you provision a private, isolated section of your application in a virtual network that you define.
Ruby Support
Elastic Beanstalk supports Ruby applications and frameworks that run on the Passenger application server. This allows your local development settings to match the Elastic Beanstalk environment so you can deploy with confidence and with minimal code changes. To get started running your Ruby applications on Elastic Beanstalk, visit the Elastic Beanstalk Developer Guide. The Developer Guide also includes walkthroughs for Ruby on Rails and Sinatra applications.
To deploy your Ruby applications, you can use Git and the eb command line or the Management Console. Elastic Beanstalk allows you to customize your environment using a Gemfile for installing dependencies and YAML configuration files to run commands, install packages, and set environment variables. If your application relies on a relational database, Elastic Beanstalk can automatically provision and configure Amazon RDS DB Instances for your application.
VPC Integration
Starting today, you can also run your Elastic Beanstalk environments inside existing VPCs. Using Amazon VPC, you can now easily deploy a new class of web applications on Elastic Beanstalk, including internal web applications (such as your recruiting application), web applications that connect to an on-premise database (using a VPN connection), as well as private web service backends. To learn more about deploying your Elastic Beanstalk application in a VPC, visit the Elastic Beanstalk Developer Guide.