Release: AWS SDK for .NET 1.4.0
This release adds Amazon DynamoDB support, updates ActionIdentifier constants, and updates Amazon SNS to give additional control over the content and delivery of messages.
Release Date: January 18, 2012
Created On: January 18, 2012
Last Updated: October 09, 2017
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New Features
Change | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Amazon DynamoDB |
This release add support for Amazon DynamoDB. Amazon DynamoDB is a fully managed NoSQL database service that provides fast and predictable performance with seamless scalability. Customers can easily launch a new Amazon DynamoDB database table, scale up or down their request capacity for the table without downtime or performance degradation, and gain visibility into resource utilization and performance metrics. Amazon DynamoDB enables customers to offload the administrative burdens of operating and scaling distributed databases to AWS, so they don.t have to worry about hardware provisioning, setup and configuration, replication, software patching, or cluster scaling. Amazon DynamoDB is designed to address the core problems of database management, performance, scalability, and reliability. Developers can create a database table that can store and retrieve any amount of data, and serve any level of request traffic. DynamoDB automatically spreads the data and traffic for the table over a sufficient number of servers to handle the request capacity specified by the customer and the amount of data stored, while maintaining consistent, fast performance. All data items are stored on Solid State Disks (SSDs) and are automatically replicated across multiple Availability Zones in a Region to provide built-in high availability and data durability. In addition to basic service API, the AWS SDK for .NET includes two helper namespaces and corresponding classes for using Amazon DynamoDB:
Before using any of the Amazon DynamoDB APIs, you need to create a client. The sample below shows multiple options in constructing an instance of AmazonDynamoDBClient. AmazonDynamoDBClient client; client = new AmazonDynamoDBClient(); // Constructs AmazonDynamoDBClient with the credentials defined in the App.config. client = new AmazonDynamoDBClient("accessKey", "secretKey"); The code below shows how a table can be created, populated and scanned, using the base Amazon DynamoDB API. // Create table "SampleMovies" CreateTableRequest createTableRequest = new CreateTableRequest { TableName = "SampleMovies", ProvisionedThroughput = new ProvisionedThroughput { ReadCapacityUnits = 10, WriteCapacityUnits = 10 }, KeySchema = new KeySchema { HashKeyElement = new KeySchemaElement { AttributeType = "S", AttributeName = "Name" } } }; Console.WriteLine("Table status: " + client.CreateTable(createTableRequest).CreateTableResult.TableDescription.TableStatus); // Wait a few moments for the new table to become active... // Put new item PutItemRequest putItemRequest = new PutItemRequest { TableName = "SampleMovies", Item = new Dictionary The following code sample shows how the // Load table Table table = Table.LoadTable(client, "SampleMovies"); // Create and save document Document doc = new Document(); doc["Name"] = "The Lion King"; doc["Year"] = 1994; doc["Actors"] = new List Alternatively, you can use the The following code sample shows an annotated class. [DynamoDBTable("SampleMovies")] public class SampleMovie { [DynamoDBHashKey] public string Name { get; set; } public int Year { get; set; } public List The following code sample shows how this class can be stored in Amazon DynamoDB. // Create DynamoDBContext DynamoDBContext context = new DynamoDBContext(client); // Create and save movie SampleMovie movie = new SampleMovie { Name = "The English Patient", Year = 1996, Actors = new List |
Updated ActionIdentifier Constants
The following S3 action constants were renamed to match the S3 documentation.
Amazon SNS Delivery Policies |
Amazon SNS Delivery Policies give you options to control the delivery rate and error handling for each SNS endpoint. You can, for example, use a Delivery Policy to avoid overwhelming a particular endpoint with a sudden barrage of messages. Delivery Policies can be set for Topics and for the endpoints associated with a particular Topic. Each Delivery Policy contains a Retry Policy and a Throttle Policy. With this release, the policies are effective for the HTTP and HTTPS Subscription types. The following sample shows how these delivery policies can be set: SetSubscriptionAttributesRequest setRequest = new SetSubscriptionAttributesRequest() .WithSubscriptionArn(subArn) .WithAttributeName("DeliveryPolicy") .WithAttributeValue("{\"healthyRetryPolicy\":{\"numRetries\":10,\"minDelayTarget\":30,\"maxDelayTarget\":60}}"); |
Amazon SNS Message Formatting |
Amazon SNS Message Formatting gives you the ability to publish a message that contains content that is specific to each type of Subscription. You could, for example, send a short message to an SMS endpoint and a longer message to an email endpoint.
To use this feature, you set the new The below code sample shows how this feature can be used: PublishRequest pubRequest = new PublishRequest() .WithTopicArn(topicArn) .WithMessageStructure("json") .WithMessage("{\"default\" : \"Server busy.\",\"email\":\"Your server is busy\",\"sms\" : \"ALERT! Server Busy!!\", \"https\" : \"ServerBusy\"}"); |
Known Issues
Issue | Description |
Installation Requires Administrator Privileges |
The default install location is %PROGRAMFILES%, which on most computers
is "c:\program files". In order to install files to the default location,
the MSI must be run by an Administrator. If you don't have Administrator privileges
on the machine, please change the install location to something like "c:\Documents
and Settings\ |
Uninstalling the SDK Produces "Unknown Publisher" Message | On Windows Vista, uninstalling the MSI results in an "Unknown Publisher" dialog even though the installer is signed by Amazon Web Services. This is a known Windows Installer bug on Windows Vista, and is documented here: |
Supported API Versions
This release of the SDK supports the following API versions:
Service | API Version |
Amazon CloudFront | 2010-11-01 |
Amazon CloudWatch | 2010-08-01 |
Amazon DynamoDB | 2011-12-05 |
Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud | 2011-11-01 |
Amazon Elastic MapReduce | 2009-03-31 |
Amazon ElastiCache | 2011-07-15 |
Amazon Relational Database Service | 2011-04-01 |
Amazon Simple Email Service | 2010-12-01 |
Amazon Simple Notification Service | 2010-03-31 |
Amazon Simple Queue Service | 2011-10-01 |
Amazon Simple Storage Service | 2006-03-01 |
Amazon SimpleDB | 2009-04-15 |
Auto Scaling | 2011-01-01 |
AWS CloudFormation | 2010-05-15 |
AWS Elastic Beanstalk | 2010-12-01 |
AWS Identity and Access Management | 2010-05-08 |
AWS Import/Export | 2010-06-01 |
AWS Security Token Service | 2011-06-15 |
Elastic Load Balancing | 2011-11-15 |