Release: AWS SDK for Node.js v0.9.2-pre.3
This release adds support for Amazon Simple E-mail Service, Amazon Simple Queue Service, and Amazon Elastic Transcoder. Also improves request handling by adding support for events, buffers, and streaming.
Created On: January 29, 2013
Last Updated: October 09, 2017
Latest Version
npm install aws-sdk
New Features
Change | Description |
Amazon Simple E-mail Service |
Added support for Amazon Simple E-mail Service ( var ses = new AWS.SES({region: 'us-east-1'}); ses.getSendQuota(function(err, data) { console.log(err, data); }); |
Amazon Simple Queue Service |
Added support for Amazon Simple Queue Service ( var sqs = new AWS.SQS({region: 'us-west-2'}); sqs.client.createQueue({QueueName: 'myQueue'}, function(err, data) { if (!err) { console.log("Created queue", data.QueueUrl); } }); |
Amazon Elastic Transcoder |
Added support for Amazon Elastic Transcoder ( var transcoder = new AWS.ElasticTranscoder(); transcoder.client.listPipelines(function(err, data) { console.log(err, data); }); |
Changed Request Callbacks to Events |
Changed behaviour of request and response objects to emit events instead of callbacks. This affects
the use of the dynamodb.client.listTables(). done(function(resp) { ... }). fail(function(resp) { ... }). always(function(resp) { ... }). data(function(resp) { ... }). send(); Should now be written as: dynamodb.client.listTables(). on('success', function(resp) { ... }). on('error', function(error, resp) { ... }). on('complete', function(resp) { ... }). on('httpData', function(chunk, resp) { ... }). send(); See the documentation for information on the available events and their parameters.
Note that the |
Renamed AWSRequest & AWSResponse |
The |
Moved httpRequest Response Property |
Moved the AWS.Response.httpRequest property into AWS.Request.httpRequest |
Request Streaming Reads |
Added AWS.Request.createReadStream() to stream HTTP data from a request. For example: var s3 = new AWS.S3(); var params = {Bucket: 'myBucket', Key: 'myImageFile.jpg'}; var file = require('fs').createWriteStream('/path/to/file.jpg'); s3.client.getObject(params).createReadStream().pipe(file); |
AWS_REGION Environment Variable Support |
You can now use the AWS_REGION environment variable to set a default region. For example: $ AWS_REGION=us-west-2 node > AWS = require('aws-sdk'); > AWS.config.region 'us-west-2' |
Amazon S3 Error Handling |
Updated how AWS.S3.Client handles errors with no HTTP response body. Canned errors are no longer used if a response body is present. Support for 400 (BadRequest) responses was also added. |
Amazon DynamoDB CRC Checking |
Added CRC checking to DynamoDB requests. You can disable CRC checking by setting var db = new AWS.DynamoDB({dynamoDbCrc32: false}); |
Buffer & Stream Payloads |
Added support Buffer & Stream payloads in REST services. The "Body" payload property of REST-based services (like Amazon S3) will now return Buffer objects instead of Strings, which allows for the downloading of binary data: s3.client.getObject({Bucket:'foo',Key:'bar'}, function(err, data) { console.log(data.Body); // data.Body is now a Buffer object }); In addition, you can now assign a readable Stream object to the Body payload: // Read the body from a stream var writeParams = {Bucket:'bucket',Key:'image.jpg',Body:stream}; var stream = fs.createReadStream('/path/to/image.jpg'); s3.client.putObject(writeParams, function() { // Write the body Buffer object to a file var readParams = {Bucket:'bucket',Key:'image.jpg'}; s3.client.getObject(readParams, function(err, data) { var out = fs.createWriteStream('/path/to/image2.jpg'); out.write(data.Body); out.end(); }); }); |
Error Objects |
The SDK for Node.js will now return and throw proper Error objects in callbacks: s3.listBuckets(function(err, data) { if (err) { console.log(err); // err is an Error object; } }); |
Resolved Issues
Change | Description |
Various AWS.S3 Fixes |
Added missing headers for PUT, GET and HEAD (and other) object operations. Fixed a number of S3 operations with incorrect input nesting. |
Date Off-By-One Error |
Resolve issue where XML parsing was causing off-by-one errors in Javascript dates. |
EC2.Client.runInstances |
Resolves an issue where some Amazon EC2 service calls were returning only a single element in the response. |
URI Escaping with UTF-8 |
Resolves an issue where AWS.util.uriEscape was incorrectly encoding utf8 characters. |
Credential and Region Validation |
Add validations for services that require credentials and validations. If credentials or validations are not provided, an appropriate error will be raised by the request. |
Supported API Versions
This release of the SDK supports the following API versions:
Service | API Version |
Amazon DynamoDB | 2011-12-05 |
Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud | 2012-12-01 |
Amazon Elastic Transcoder | 2012-09-25 |
Amazon Simple E-mail Service | 2010-12-01 |
Amazon Simple Queue Service | 2011-10-01 |
Amazon Simple Storage Service | 2006-03-01 |
Amazon Simple Workflow Service | 2012-01-25 |