Release: AWS SDK for PHP 2.4.1

This release adds support for setting watermark and max frame rate parameters in the Amazon Elastic Transcoder client and resolves issues with the Amazon S3, Amazon EC2, Amazon ElastiCache, AWS Elastic Beanstalk, Amazon EMR, and Amazon RDS clients.

Latest Version: 2.4.1
Created On: July 09, 2013
Last Updated: October 09, 2017

New Features

Change Description

Amazon Elastic Transcoder Client

Added support for setting watermark and max framerate options to the Amazon Elastic Transcoder client.

Amazon DynamoDB Client

Added the Aws\DynamoDb\Iterator\ItemIterator class to make it easier to get items from the results of DynamoDB operations in a simpler form.

Amazon EC2 Client

Added support for the cr1.8xlarge EC2 instance type. Use Aws\Ec2\Enum\InstanceType::CR1_8XLARGE.

Amazon SES Client

Added support for the suppression list SES mailbox simulator. Use Aws\Ses\Enum\MailboxSimulator::SUPPRESSION_LIST.

Amazon SQS Client

Added MD5 validation to Amazon SQS ReceiveMessage operations.

Resolved Issues

Change Description

General SDK

Fixed an issue with data formats throughout the SDK due to a regression. Dates are now sent over the wire with the correct format. This issue affected the Amazon EC2, Amazon ElastiCache, AWS Elastic Beanstalk, Amazon EMR, and Amazon RDS clients.

Amazon EC2 Client

Fixed an issue with the parameter serialization of the ImportInstance operation in the Amazon EC2 client.

Amazon S3 Client

  • Fixed an issue with the Amazon S3 client where the RoutingRules.Redirect.HostName parameter of the PutBucketWebsite operation was erroneously marked as required.
  • Fixed an issue with the Amazon S3 client where the DeleteObject operation was missing parameters.
  • Fixed an issue with the Amazon S3 client where the Status parameter of the PutBucketVersioning operation did not properly support the "Suspended" value.

Amazon Glacier Client

Fixed an issue with the Amazon Glacier UploadPartGenerator class so that an exception is thrown if the provided body to upload is less than 1 byte.

SDK Resources

Supported API Versions

The AWS SDK for PHP 2 supports the following services and API versions:

Service API Version
Amazon CloudFront 2012-05-05, 2013-05-12
Amazon CloudSearch 2011-02-01
Amazon CloudWatch 2010-08-01
Amazon DynamoDB 2011-12-05, 2012-08-10
Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud 2013-02-01
Amazon Elastic MapReduce 2009-03-31
Amazon Elastic Transcoder 2012-09-25
Amazon ElastiCache 2012-11-15
Amazon Glacier 2012-06-01
Amazon Redshift 2012-12-01
Amazon Relational Database Service 2013-05-15
Amazon Route 53 2012-12-12
Amazon Simple Email Service 2010-12-01
Amazon Simple Notification Service 2010-03-31
Amazon Simple Queue Service 2012-11-05
Amazon Simple Storage Service 2006-03-01
Amazon Simple Workflow Service 2012-01-25
Amazon SimpleDB 2009-04-15
Auto Scaling 2011-01-01
AWS CloudFormation 2010-05-15
AWS Data Pipeline 2012-10-29
AWS Direct Connect 2012-10-25
AWS Elastic Beanstalk 2010-12-01
AWS Identity and Access Management 2010-05-08
AWS Import/Export 2010-06-01
AWS OpsWorks 2013-02-18
AWS Security Token Service 2011-06-15
AWS Storage Gateway 2012-06-30
AWS Support 2013-04-15
Elastic Load Balancing 2012-06-01