Stable Diffusion XL in Amazon Bedrock

The most advanced text to image model from Stability AI


SOTA open architecture for image generation with 3.5B parameter base model stage and 6.6B parameter ensemble pipeline.
Native 1024x1024 image generation with cinematic photorealism and fine detail.
Fine-tuned to create complex compositions with basic natural language prompting.

Meet Stable Diffusion

Stable Diffusion XL generates images of high quality in virtually any art style and is the best open model for photorealism.

Use cases

Create personalized ad campaigns and unlimited marketing assets.

Develop unlimited creative assets and ideate with images.

Create new characters, scenes, and worlds.

Model versions

Stable Diffusion XL 1.0

The most advanced text-to-image model from Stability AI.

Max tokens: 77-token limit for prompts

Languages: English

Fine-tuning supported: No

Supported use cases: Advertising and marketing, media and entertainment, gaming and metaverse.

Stable Diffusion XL 0.8

Text-to-image model from Stability AI.

Max tokens: 77-token limit for prompts

Languages: English

Supported use cases: Advertising and marketing, media and entertainment, gaming and metaverse.