Amazon Corretto is Now Generally Available

Posted on: Jan 31, 2019

Amazon Corretto 8, a no-cost, multiplatform, production-ready distribution of OpenJDK 8, is now Generally Available for production use. Corretto had been in preview since we announced it in November, 2018. 

There have been a number of updates to Amazon Corretto since it was released in preview as described in the change log, including updating the OpenJDK version to 8u202. A more comprehensive list of platforms is now supported, including Amazon Linux 2 and an official Docker image. Please read the blog post to learn more. We are working on Corretto 11 builds corresponding to Open JDK 11 and will release with time for testing before April, 2019.

Please visit the Amazon Corretto homepage to download Corretto 8 or find more information such as documentation and instructional videos.