Posted On: Nov 11, 2019

You can now use the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) version 2 preview release with AWS Single Sign-on (SSO) integration. The preview enables your developers to sign-in to the CLI using credentials you manage in AWS SSO or Microsoft Active Directory. The release includes automatic short-term credential rotation enabling developers to take full advantage of CLI profiles to switch between roles, which increases your security posture and developer productivity.

The new AWS CLI integration with AWS SSO enables developers to initiate AWS SSO sign-in from the CLI, access roles assignments that administrators manage centrally in AWS SSO, and take full advantage AWS CLI’s built in support for named profiles. Developers can easily list and select from their AWS SSO assigned accounts and roles and automatically create named profiles for each. The automatic short-term credential management enables developers to switch between accounts and roles seamlessly without refreshing credentials. As a result, developers can completely switch to using short-term credentials for all account access to improve their security posture, and they start and stay in the CLI without interruption during long-running operations for increased productivity.

There is no cost for AWS SSO, and it is available in the US East (N. Virginia), US East (Ohio), US West (Oregon), Canada (Central), Asia Pacific (Singapore), Asia Pacific (Sydney), EU (Ireland), EU (Frankfurt), EU (London) Regions.

To get started, visit the AWS CLI v2 preview blog and review the documentation to learn more about how to use the CLI with AWS SSO. Be sure to leave us feedback on GitHub by attaching the “V2” label to your issue.