Posted On: Dec 15, 2020

Today, AWS announces Application Manager, a new capability in AWS Systems Manager to enable customers to manage their applications from a single console. The new capability enables developers and operators to discover their applications, view operational data, and perform actions within the context of an application. 

With Application Manager, customers can discover applications across multiple AWS services like AWS CloudFormation stacks, AWS Resource Groups, Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service clusters, and AWS Launch Wizard. After discovering, users can view operational and compliance data like alarms, operational issues, and logs for their application aggregated from services such as Amazon CloudWatch, AWS Config, AWS CloudTrail, and AWS System Manager OpsCenter in a single dashboard. Application Manager includes predefined Systems Manager Automation runbooks for remediating common issues with AWS resources. Customers can choose a resource in Application Manager and then choose a runbook that performs a diagnostic or remediation task. 

Application Manager is now available in all AWS Commercial Regions, AWS GovCloud (US) Regions and AWS China (Beijing) region, operated by Sinnet, and AWS China (Ningxia) region, operated by NWCD. 

To get started, select Application Manager from the Systems Manager left navigation menu. To learn more about Application Manager, read our blog post or visit the AWS Systems Manager product page.