Posted On: Nov 9, 2023

Amazon EKS Anywhere Enterprise Subscriptions can now be purchased through the Amazon EKS console, APIs, and AWS CLI. You can purchase Amazon EKS Anywhere Enterprise Subscriptions for 24/7 support from AWS subject matter experts and access to Amazon EKS Anywhere Curated Packages. Amazon EKS Anywhere is an AWS-supported Kubernetes offering with automation tooling to simplify running Kubernetes in on-premises and edge environments.

The new Amazon EKS Anywhere Enterprise Subscription purchasing process makes it easy to purchase subscriptions in a few clicks or programmatic commands, and charges appear on AWS invoices and in the AWS Billing console alongside other AWS service charges. When purchases are submitted, licenses are automatically issued in AWS License Manager, and access is granted to Amazon EKS Anywhere Curated Packages. Subscriptions can be cancelled within the first 7 days of purchase at no charge.

You can purchase Amazon EKS Anywhere Enterprise Subscriptions in the following AWS Regions: US East (Ohio), US East (N. Virginia), US West (N. California), US West (Oregon), Africa (Cape Town), Asia Pacific (Hong Kong), Asia Pacific (Hyderabad), Asia Pacific (Jakarta), Asia Pacific (Melbourne), Asia Pacific (Mumbai), Asia Pacific (Osaka), Asia Pacific (Seoul), Asia Pacific (Singapore), Asia Pacific (Sydney), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), Canada (Central), Europe (Frankfurt), Europe (Ireland), Europe (London), Europe (Milan), Europe (Paris), Europe (Stockholm), Europe (Zurich), Israel (Tel Aviv), Middle East (Bahrain), Middle East (UAE), and South America (São Paulo).

To learn more and get started with Amazon EKS Anywhere Enterprise Subscriptions, see the following resources: