Posted On: Nov 28, 2023

Today, Amazon Web Services, Inc. (AWS) announced that Amazon Q can help you select Amazon EC2 instances. Amazon Q uses machine learning to help customers take quick and cost-effective decisions for their compute instance type before building their workloads. Amazon Q generates personalized EC2 instance suggestions for customers using the AWS Management Console or AWS documentation site. Its natural language interface provides an easy way for customers to communicate their requirements and get the best-matched instances.

AWS offers customers diverse selection choices of Amazon EC2 instance types (750+) and customers want tools to help them select the best option for their workload. Customers can use Amazon Q to remain up to date with the latest instances and achieve the best price-performance for their workloads. Using Amazon Q allows customers who are migrating their workloads from on-premise environments or other cloud providers to make faster instance decisions and reduce onboarding overhead.

In the AWS Management Console, customers can get suggestions from Amazon Q in their EC2 instance launch flows. Using natural language, customers can provide requirements to get even more suggestions or ask for advice by providing other workload requirements (see EC2 user guide for details).

Amazon Q is available everywhere builders need it. You can find Amazon Q in the AWS Management Console, documentation, AWS website, your IDE through Amazon CodeWhisperer, or through AWS Chatbot in team chat rooms on Slack or Microsoft Teams. For Regional availability for specific Amazon Q in AWS capabilities, visit the Amazon Q Business FAQ page or Amazon Q Developer FAQ page.