Amazon EventBridge Event Bus now supports improved filtering capabilities for event matching

Posted on: May 22, 2024

Amazon EventBridge event matching on Event Bus now supports an array of values when combining anything-but filtering (matching anything except for the value) with prefix filtering (matching against characters at the beginning of a value), suffix filtering (matching against characters at the end of a value), and wildcard filtering (matching against patterns in string values). For example, you can now match against values that do not end with specific file types such as .png and .jpg. Or you can match against values that do not have a specific filename path such as */lib/* and */bin/*.

Amazon EventBridge Event Bus is a serverless event router that enables you to create scalable event-driven applications by routing events between your own applications, third-party SaaS applications, and AWS services. You can set up rules to determine where to send your data, allowing applications to react to changes in your data as they occur.

This feature is now available at no charge in all AWS Regions, including the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions, where EventBridge is available. To learn more, visit our documentation and GitHub page.