Amazon Q Business analytics dashboard enhanced with conversation insights

Posted on: Dec 18, 2024

Amazon Q Business, the most capable generative AI-powered assistant for finding information, gaining insight, and taking action at work, now offers enhanced administration capabilities, providing valuable insights from AI conversations and user feedback information. With the new analytics dashboard, administrators can view and analyze various aspects of these conversations, including:

  1. No answer found queries: Administrators can review conversations where Amazon Q Business couldn't provide relevant answers, helping identify data gaps or areas that require improvement.
  2. Blocked queries: Administrators can view queries that contain blocked words as configured in Amazon Q Business Admin controls and guardrails, facilitating monitoring and auditing of sensitive queries.
  3. End-user feedback: This feature provides access to end user feedback on queries enabling administrators to identify areas where data sources need improvement or where end-users may lack access to necessary documents.

These new features offer administrators visibility into the performance of their Amazon Q Business application. By empowering administrators to identify and address data gaps, permission issues, and user experience challenges, the new capabilities serve as valuable tools for enhancing the overall Amazon Q Business user experience and satisfaction. Furthermore, the analytics dashboard now allows administrators to gain deeper insights into user interactions and usage patterns, enabling them to pinpoint areas for improvement and optimize applications.

The enhanced analytics dashboard for Amazon Q Business is now available in all AWS Regions where Amazon Q Business is available. To learn more, visit the Amazon Q Business documentation, or activate your analytics dashboard to start leveraging these powerful insights.