AWS Machine Learning Blog

Announcing the AWS DeepComposer Chartbusters challenge, Keep Calm and Model On

We are back with another AWS DeepComposer Chartbusters challenge, Keep Calm and Model On! This challenge is open for submissions throughout AWS re:Invent until January 31, 2021. In this challenge, you can experiment with our newly launched Transformers algorithm and generate an original piece of music. Chartbusters is a global monthly challenge where you can use AWS DeepComposer to create compositions on the console using generative AI techniques, compete to top the charts, and win prizes. This challenge launches today and you can submit your compositions until January 31, 2021.

Participation is easy — in 5 simple steps you can generate your original piece of music on the AWS DeepComposer console using the Transformers technique. You can then use Edit melody and add or remove notes.

How to Compete

To participate in Keep Calm and Model On, just do the following:

  1. Go to AWS DeepComposer Music Studio and choose a sample melody recommended for Transformers.
  2. Under Generative AI technique choose Transformers. Then choose TransformerXIClassical for Model. You then have six advanced parameters that you can choose to adjust including Sampling technique that defines how the next note for your input melody is chosen, and Track extension duration that attempts to add additional seconds to your melody. After adjusting the values, choose Extend Input Melody.

  1. Use Edit melody to add or remove notes. You can also change the note duration and pitch. When finished, choose Apply changes. Repeat these steps until you’re satisfied with the generated music.

  1. When you’re happy with your composition, choose Download composition. You can choose to post-process your composition; however, one of the judging criteria is how close your final submission is to the track generated using AWS DeepComposer.

  1. In the navigation panel, choose Chartbusters; and on the chartbusters page, choose Submit a composition. Then, choose Import a post-processed audio track, upload your composition, provide a track name for your composition, and choose Submit.


AWS DeepComposer then submits your composition to the Keep Calm and Model On playlist on SoundCloud.


You’ve successfully submitted your composition to the AWS DeepComposer Chartbusters challenge Keep Calm and Model On. Now you can invite your friends and family to listen to your creation on SoundCloud and join the fun by participating in the competition.

About the Author

Maryam Rezapoor is a Senior Product Manager with AWS AI Devices team. As a former biomedical researcher and entrepreneur, she finds her passion in working backward from customers’ needs to create new impactful solutions. Outside of work, she enjoys hiking, photography, and gardening.