AWS Machine Learning Blog

Category: AWS CodeBuild

The Weather Company enhances MLOps with Amazon SageMaker, AWS CloudFormation, and Amazon CloudWatch

In this post, we share the story of how The Weather Company (TWCo) enhanced its MLOps platform using services such as Amazon SageMaker, AWS CloudFormation, and Amazon CloudWatch. TWCo data scientists and ML engineers took advantage of automation, detailed experiment tracking, integrated training, and deployment pipelines to help scale MLOps effectively. TWCo reduced infrastructure management time by 90% while also reducing model deployment time by 20%.

How LotteON built a personalized recommendation system using Amazon SageMaker and MLOps

This post is co-written with HyeKyung Yang, Jieun Lim, and SeungBum Shim from LotteON. LotteON aims to be a platform that not only sells products, but also provides a personalized recommendation experience tailored to your preferred lifestyle. LotteON operates various specialty stores, including fashion, beauty, luxury, and kids, and strives to provide a personalized shopping […]

Enhance code review and approval efficiency with generative AI using Amazon Bedrock

In the world of software development, code review and approval are important processes for ensuring the quality, security, and functionality of the software being developed. However, managers tasked with overseeing these critical processes often face numerous challenges, such as the following: Lack of technical expertise – Managers may not have an in-depth technical understanding of […]

Improve your data science workflow with a multi-branch training MLOps pipeline using AWS

In this post, you will learn how to create a multi-branch training MLOps continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline using AWS CodePipeline and AWS CodeCommit, in addition to Jenkins and GitHub. I discuss the concept of experiment branches, where data scientists can work in parallel and eventually merge their experiment back into the main […]

Build a CI/CD pipeline for deploying custom machine learning models using AWS services

Amazon SageMaker is a fully managed service that provides every developer and data scientist with the ability to build, train, and deploy machine learning (ML) models quickly. SageMaker removes the heavy lifting from each step of the ML process to make it easier to develop high-quality ML artifacts. AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) is […]

Using the Amazon SageMaker Studio Image Build CLI to build container images from your Studio notebooks

The new Amazon SageMaker Studio Image Build convenience package allows data scientists and developers to easily build custom container images from your Studio notebooks via a new CLI. The new CLI eliminates the need to manually set up and connect to Docker build environments for building container images in Amazon SageMaker Studio. Amazon SageMaker Studio […]