AWS Storage Blog
How Simon Data reduced encryption costs by using Amazon S3 Bucket Keys on existing objects
As more organizations look to operate faster and at scale, they need ways to meet critical compliance requirements and improve data security. Encryption is a critical component of a defense in depth strategy, and when used correctly, can provide an additional layer of protection above basic access control. However, workloads that access millions or billions of encrypted objects can generate large request volumes, which can lead to high encryption/decryption cost. Given this, many organizations are looking for ways to ensure data security at scale while optimizing for cost.
Simon Data is a customer data platform that enables driving marketing results faster with a solution purpose built for growth. Simon Data was incurring high AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) costs because of API requests to AWS KMS for decryption of billions of objects in Amazon S3. In December of 2020, AWS introduced the Amazon S3 Bucket Keys feature to help customers reduce the costs of server-side encryption with AWS Key Management Service (SSE-KMS) by decreasing the request traffic from S3 to KMS. S3 Bucket Keys reduce request traffic through use of bucket-level keys generated by KMS, instead of individual KMS keys for KMS encrypted objects, with each bucket-level key creating a unique data key for each new object added to a bucket, thereby avoiding the need for additional KMS requests to complete encryption operations. To minimize migration cost and processing time for billions of S3 objects, Simon Data opted to enable S3 Bucket Keys on the objects that triggered AWS KMS API calls within the last three months.
If all your existing objects in a bucket use the same KMS key, enabling S3 Bucket Keys for them is relatively straightforward. However, if your objects are encrypted using different KMS keys, enabling the feature requires a few extra steps. As Simon Data was using multiple customer managed keys for objects within same Amazon S3 buckets, it was not straightforward for them to benefit from enabling Amazon S3 Bucket Keys. In addition, accessing objects created before the feature got enabled will continue to trigger requests to AWS KMS.
In this blog post, we cover how Simon Data reduced its AWS KMS monthly spending by over 80 percent by applying S3 Bucket Keys to existing objects encrypted using different KMS keys. With this solution you can greatly reduce request traffic between Amazon S3 and AWS KMS, allowing you to use your encrypted data with less cost concerns while keeping your data secure.
Enabling S3 Bucket Keys on mixed SSE-KMS keys buckets
How can you enable S3 Bucket Keys for existing objects encrypted with different SSE-KMS keys within the same bucket?
In order to achieve this with maximum results while keeping migration costs under control, you want to enable the feature solely on objects that:
- Are SSE-KMS encrypted
- Have the S3 Bucket Keys feature disabled
- are accessed frequently and generating requests to SSE-KMS on a regular basis
To identify objects that are using S3 Bucket Keys, you can use one of the following methods:
- List the buckets objects (and their S3 Bucket Key status) using Amazon S3 Inventory.
- Use Amazon Athena to extract the list of S3 objects that generated an AWS KMS decrypt request from the AWS CloudTrail logs.
Given Simon Data’s S3 object scale, they preferred the second option as they wanted to only enable bucket keys (re-encrypt) for frequently accessed objects, and information about object last access is available in AWS CloudTrail. Simon Data opted for AWS CloudTrail, which works as follows:
- Identify the objects that have triggered an SSE-KMS request recently by querying the CloudTrail logs using Amazon Athena and then exporting it as a CSV file.
- Feed the CSV file to S3 Batch Operations. Further, we have to trigger an AWS Lambda function instead of using the built-in copy operation since objects that are encrypted have different KMS keys.
- For each object in the list, the Lambda will:
- Retrieve the current object properties, including the current SSE-KMS key ID.
- Double-check whether S3 Bucket Keys can be enabled, and if they need to be enabled.
- Enable S3 Bucket Keys by copying the object in place.
To begin with, let’s have a look at how to set up the required infrastructure.
You will need:
- Two S3 buckets
- One with the list of files to process
- One for the S3 Batch Operations output files
- One AWS Lambda function with its IAM role
- Enables S3 Bucket Keys on our S3 objects one-by-one
- One IAM role for S3 Batch Operations
- Runs the AWS Lambda function on a list of files
These parts are depicted in the following architecture diagram:
The following steps along with this CloudFormation template sets up all of the necessary resources.
1. Clone the repository to local disk
$ git clone && cd enable-bucket-key-example
2. Create the stack using CloudFormation
$ aws cloudformation create-stack \ --stack-name enable-bucket-key-example \ --template-body file://enable-bucket-key-example-template.cloudformation.yaml \ --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM \ --no-cli-pager \ --output json
You can also customize the bucket names by configuring the prefix value as such:
--parameters ParameterKey=Prefix,ParameterValue=enable-bucket-key-example2
3. Set the (bucket) stage
Next, recreate your bucket state.
Before enabling S3 Bucket Keys at the bucket level, create and upload a test file.
$ echo "Before bucket-level Bucket Key enabled" > before.txt $ aws s3api put-object \ --bucket enable-bucket-key-example \ --key before.txt \ --body before.txt \ --no-cli-pager { "ETag": "\"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\"", "ServerSideEncryption": "aws:SSE-KMS", "SSESSE-KMSKeyId": "arn:aws:SSE-KMS:us-east-1:XXXXXXXXXXXX:key/XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX", }
Then, enable the S3 Bucket Key, by default, to see the difference.
Go to your bucket’s page, and then in the Properties tab, scroll down to the Default encryption section and select Edit.
Enable the S3 Bucket Key and select Save changes.
Once that’s done, upload a second file to validate the bucket key feature enabled in previous step
$ echo "After bucket-level S3 Bucket Key enabled" > after.txt $ aws s3api put-object \ --bucket enable-bucket-key-example \ --key after.txt \ --body after.txt \ --no-cli-pager { "ETag": "\"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\"", "ServerSideEncryption": "aws:SSE-KMS", "SSESSE-KMSKeyId": "arn:aws:SSE-KMS:us-east-1:XXXXXXXXXXXX:key/XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX", "BucketKeyEnabled": true }
As you can see, this one has the BucketKeyEnabled property set to true.
If we double check our other file, we would notice that the S3 Bucket Key still hasn’t been enabled (the BucketKeyEnabled attribute is missing):
$ aws s3api head-object --bucket enable-bucket-key-example --key before.txt --no-cli-pager { "AcceptRanges": "bytes", "LastModified": "2022-03-29T20:01:18+00:00", "ContentLength": 39, "ETag": "\"fdfadb27141cf16b2982d0c826ed9a2f\"", "ContentType": "binary/octet-stream", "ServerSideEncryption": "aws:kms", "Metadata": {}, "SSEKMSKeyId": "arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:XXXXXXXXXXXX:key/XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXX" }
4. Prepare the AWS Lambda function
So far, we have one bucket with two files. One has the S3 Bucket Key enabled, and the other does not. Let’s enable the S3 Bucket Key for our “before.txt” file!
a. Install the dependencies
Our AWS Lambda uses boto3, which we can install in a local “package” directory using the following command:
$ python -m pip install --target ./package boto3 botocore
We also need s3transfer, which automatically uses multipart uploads when required. Unfortunately, at the time of this writing s3transfer
does not support the BucketKey
argument. In the meantime, we can use our own fork:
$ rm -Rf package/s3transfer && python -m pip install --target ./package git+
b. Update the AWS Lambda function
Next, create a .zip file and update your AWS Lambda function:
$ bash $ aws lambda update-function-code \ --function-name enable-bucket-key-example-function \ --zip-file fileb:// \ --no-cli-pager \ --output json
5. Enable the S3 Bucket Key using S3 Batch Operations
With our Lambda function updated, we are now ready to start processing files!
a. Create an S3 Batch Operations manifest
All we need is a manifest file to feed to S3 Batch Operations, with the list of files we want to enable the S3 Bucket Key for.
S3 Batch Operations expects a comma-separated values (CSV) manifest file with following two columns:
bucket_name, object_key
Create the manifest for your before.txt file:
$ echo "enable-bucket-key-example,before.txt" > objects_to_enable_bucket_key_for.csv $ aws s3api put-object \ --bucket enable-bucket-key-example-batch-ops \ --key objects_to_enable_bucket_key_for.csv \ --body objects_to_enable_bucket_key_for.csv \ --no-cli-pager \ --output json
b. Run the S3 Batch Operations job
Finally, start your Batch Operations job!
$ export AWS_ACCOUNT_ID=XXXXXXXXXXXX # Replace with your account id $ aws s3control create-job \ --account-id ${AWS_ACCOUNT_ID} \ --no-confirmation-required \ --priority 10 \ --role-arn "arn:aws:iam::${AWS_ACCOUNT_ID}:role/enable-bucket-key-example-batch-ops-role" \ --operation '{ "LambdaInvoke": { "FunctionArn": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:'${AWS_ACCOUNT_ID}':function:enable-bucket-key-example-function:$LATEST" } }' \ --manifest '{ "Spec": { "Format": "S3BatchOperations_CSV_20180820", "Fields": [ "Bucket", "Key" ] }, "Location": { "ObjectArn": "arn:aws:s3:::enable-bucket-key-example-batch-ops/objects_to_enable_bucket_key_for.csv", "ETag": '"$(aws s3api head-object --bucket enable-bucket-key-example-batch-ops --key objects_to_enable_bucket_key_for.csv | jq '.ETag' | sed -n 's/\\\"//gp')"' } }' \ --report '{"Enabled": false}' \ --no-cli-pager \ --output json
Once the job is complete, we can validate that our before.txt file was successfully processed and that the BucketKeyEnabled
property is set to true:
$ aws s3api head-object --bucket enable-bucket-key-example --key before.txt --no-cli-pager { "AcceptRanges": "bytes", "LastModified": "2022-03-29T20:03:36+00:00", "ContentLength": 39, "ETag": "\"fdfadb27141cf16b2982d0c826ed9a2f\"", "ContentType": "binary/octet-stream", "ServerSideEncryption": "aws:kms", "Metadata": {}, "SSEKMSKeyId": "arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:XXXXXXXXXXXX:key/XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXX", "BucketKeyEnabled": true }
Applying at scale
The following assumes that you have an existing trail configured as well as an Athena table to query your logs.
The architecture created in the example is already scalable. It is the same one we used internally to apply this change to hundreds of millions of files.
As mentioned before, while unique S3 requests and Lambda costs are insignificant, at scale, they can quickly add up. Therefore, we want to focus our migration efforts on the files that have triggered SSE-KMS decrypt requests in the last few months.
We can retrieve a list of objects that triggered SSE-KMS decrypt requests using the following Athena query (the query is taking the previous day context – you can modify the query to look at any window that fits your use case).
SELECT REGEXP_EXTRACT(obj_arn, ':::([^\/]+)', 1) as bucket, REGEXP_EXTRACT(obj_arn, '[^\/]+\/(.*)', 1) as path FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT CAST(json_extract(requestparameters, '$') as VARCHAR(255)) as obj_arn FROM cloudtrail_logs_part as logs CROSS JOIN UNNEST(logs.resources) unnested (resources_entry) WHERE eventsource='' AND year = CAST(EXTRACT(year FROM current_date - interval '1' day) as VARCHAR(4)) AND month = CAST(EXTRACT(month FROM current_date - interval '1' day) as VARCHAR(2)) AND day = CAST(EXTRACT(day FROM current_date - interval '1' day) as VARCHAR(2)) ) WHERE obj_arn LIKE '%/%'
You can then select Download Results to get a CSV file, feed the file to S3 Batch Operations, and let it handle it from there!
S3 Bucket Keys considerations
Before enabling S3 Bucket Keys, there are a few things to consider:
Migration costs
- S3 Batch Operations, SSE-KMS, and Lambda will incur costs relative to the number of objects that are processed.
- S3 Versioning: If S3 Versioning is enabled, you will be creating a new version for each object you are enabling the S3 Bucket Key for, effectively doubling your hosting costs for the processed objects if you do not remove the older versions.
S3 Inventory configurations
S3 Inventory lists are a great way to extract the list of objects from a bucket. This is the preferred approach if you want to process all the existing objects on your bucket or within a given prefix.
Only favor the CloudTrail solution if your goal is to solely process the objects that have made an AWS KMS decrypt request recently. Note that this option requires having CloudTrail set up beforehand.
Safe rollout plan and rollback mechanism
To help ensure that your migrations are successful, assume they will fail.
The most straightforward rollback implementation is to enable versioning on your bucket and have a script ready to delete the latest version should you need to restore the previous version.
Cleaning up
Note that the steps described in this blog post will deploy resources to your AWS account that may be chargeable. You can easily decommission the infrastructure created by emptying the buckets and deleting the CloudFormation stack.
In this blog, we’ve walked through the steps that Simon Data followed to implement Amazon S3 Bucket Keys for objects with different AWS KMS keys within same bucket. By doing so, Simon Data was able to significantly reduce request traffic from Amazon S3 to AWS KMS, decreasing AWS KMS costs by 80 percent.
With the solution demonstrated, you can effectively implement Amazon S3 Bucket Keys to reduce AWS KMS cost by lessening charges associated with requests and encryption operations, even when existing objects are originally managed with different KMS keys. Using S3 Bucket Keys, you can continue encrypting your objects while allowing more cost-optimized access to your data, giving you more flexibility and incentive to make the most of your data, all while maintaining security.
Thanks for reading this blog post! If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to leave your feedback in the comments section.