Espressif ESP Rainmaker

Build your connected products faster and better


For intelligent product manufacturers, there is increasing demand for a cloud IoT platform with full ownership. However, building such a platform from scratch needs significant investment. ESP RainMaker provides a complete platform with full ownership of the platform and data. It provides the fastest time-to-market and pay-as-you-grow pricing model to build, sell and manage your connected devices with ease. 

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Version: 1.0
Last updated: 1/2023
Author: AWS 

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Espressif’s ESP RainMaker is a complete solution that covers device-side SDK, cloud backend, phone apps, and voice assistant integrations. ESP RainMaker gets deployed in customers’ own AWS accounts and customers completely own the platform as well as the data that is gathered. While ESP RainMaker provides significant functionalities to make it a ready-to-use platform, all the software components of ESP RainMaker are fully customizable. Based on AWS Serverless architecture, ESP RainMaker requires zero-maintenance and provides a pay-as-you-go model that doesn’t require customers to pay higher upfront infrastructure costs.


ESP RainMaker provides customers with their own IoT platform that is easy to manage, provides a lower total cost of ownership, and accelerates go-to-market.

  • Complete Ownership
  • Reduced Time-to-Market
  • Pay-as-you-Grow Pricing
  • Zero Maintenance


Best Practices in Design – ESP RainMaker follows the device-to-cloud secure design best practices to ensure customers’ peace of mind against the security of their IoT solution. The routinely conducted architecture reviews using the well-architected framework, third-party penetration testing, compliance reviews, scalability, and cost-analysis testing help customers ensure that they build their own IoT platform on a robust base platform.

Customizability – ESP RainMaker provides well documented REST APIs for easy client development and cloud-to-cloud integration. It also provides a high-level rule-engine that facilitates easy webhooks implementation in the cloud. ESP RainMaker can co-exist with customers’ application logic in the cloud that makes use of the AWS services for its own functionality. The device firmware SDK, phone apps, and voice assistant skills are open source. Thus, ESP RainMaker can provide full customizability for the customers in terms of device firmware, cloud backend, phone apps, and voice assistant integrations.