Partner con competenza in materia di sicurezza AWS

Promuovi l'innovazione e sblocca un maggiore valore aziendale con i partner specializzati AWS che dispongono di una profonda conoscenza tecnica e un successo comprovato con i clienti


I partner con competenze sulla sicurezza hanno competenze tecniche strutturate in ambito di sicurezza in AWS e un successo comprovato con i clienti nella realizzazione del percorso verso il cloud con offerte di software e servizi.

I Partner con competenza in materia di sicurezza AWS sono specializzati nella distribuzione di soluzioni incentrate sulla sicurezza per carichi di lavoro e casi d'uso specifici. Le soluzioni dei partner AWS consentono di automatizzare, rendere più agili e dimensionare i tuoi carichi di lavoro. In pochi minuti su AWS Marketplace, potrai trovare, acquistare, distribuire e gestire con facilità queste soluzioni software cloud-ready, inclusi i prodotti SaaS (software as a service). Queste soluzioni operano in sinergia per proteggere i dati in modi non possibili in locale, con soluzioni disponibili per un'ampia gamma di carichi di lavoro e casi d'uso.

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    • Education

      Eficode and AWS Help University of Turku Scale to Improve Sustainability


      Based in Finland, the University of Turku built a business simulator to help students understand decision making around sustainability issues. To enable growth, the University worked with Amazon Web Services (AWS) and AWS Partner Eficode to improve the software’s scalability and security. It has expanded its services to business leaders in addition to students. It can now add more features such as Amazon Quicksight, providing real business tools for all learners.

    • Software & Internet

      Collaboration.Ai Achieves DoD Authorization in Less Than 90 Days, Saves $2 Million with Second Front, Chainguard, and AWS

      United States

      Collaboration.Ai, a leader in AI-driven innovation management software, sought to expand into the US federal government sector, particularly the Department of Defense (DoD), with its end-to-end CrowdVector innovation management platform. Obtaining the required Authority to Operate (ATO) on DoD networks—a complex, lengthy, and costly process—posed a significant challenge for the startup. By engaging with AWS Partner Second Front, a member of the AWS Global Security & Compliance Acceleration (GSCA) program and using its Game Warden DevSecOps platform on AWS GovCloud (US), Collaboration.Ai secured a Certificate to Field (CTF) for DoD networks in less than 90 days. The deployment was accelerated further by using a custom registry of secure, minimal container images from AWS Partner Chainguard. This approach saved nearly two years of work and $2 million in compliance costs, swiftly opening access to the US federal government market.

    • Financial Services

      Affirm Reduces Manual Security Response Efforts by 50% with AWS Partner Expel

      United States

      Affirm is a payment network that empowers consumers and helps merchants drive growth through flexible and transparent financing options. The company wanted to streamline its security operations program to address manual triage, decentralized tooling, and increasing alert fatigue. AWS Partner Expel offered a managed detection and response (MDR) service that integrated seamlessly with Affirm’s Amazon Web Services (AWS) environment. Expel MDRTM centralizes monitoring, automates routine tasks, and enhances detection and response workflows Expel reduced the volume of security alerts fielded by engineers by 50 percent and helped Affirm scale the foundations of its security operations program efficiently.

    1 30
  • Webinar
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    • Security

      Elevate Your Security Operations with Splunk on AWS

      Splunk delivers the no-compromise, data-centric security operations solution that unlocks a unified, integrated approach. Ingest data from any source to get accurate threat detection, investigation, and automated response for your organization across Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud, hybrid, and on-premises environments.

      On Demand
    • Security

      AWS Partner: Fortinet

      How to Secure Connectivity at Scale

      Watch our on-demand webinar to learn how FortiGate-VM Next Generation Firewall, integrated with AWS Gateway Load Balancer, addresses key use cases for deployment of network appliances. Easily deploy, scale, and run firewalls with AWS Gateway Load Balancer and simplify VPC deployments.

      On Demand
    • AWS Partner: Baffle

      Webinar: Modernize your database with PostgreSQL in AWS

      Modernize your database application with: More flexibility to scale as needed, improved cost-efficiency based on usage, better security that protects the data in use and at rest

      On Demand
    1 2
  • APN TV
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    • Success Story

      Industrial Software

      Sonatus Accelerates Vehicle Software Innovation

      AWS Industrial

      Hear how the Sonatus Vehicle Platform built on AWS, with real-time data collection, enables the transition towards software-defined vehicles. Understand the technologies that empower automakers with more dynamic capabilities to harness vehicle data, add features, and diagnose problems without the cost and disruption of developing and deploying software updates.

    • Success Story

      Industrial Software

      Increase production performance with Siemens and AWS

      AWS Industrial

      Discover how Siemens and AWS can help you to increase production performance, lower your costs and get energy sustainability.

    • Success Story

      Business Applications; AI/ML; Storage; Front-End Web & Mobile

      Pennylane reaches more customers, scales with HubSpot for startups & AWS


      Pennylane, an all-in-one financial management platform, leverages AWS to scale to more than 100k customers in just a few years. HubSpot for Startups has helped Pennylane reach more customers and increase conversion rates.

    1 366
  • eBook
  • Driving Success and Security in the Cloud

    Scopri come creare una solida strategia di governance del cloud con il supporto di AWS e dei partner di AWS Competency specializzati in sicurezza.

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    Blueprints for Secure AWS Workloads

    Scopri come la combinazione di CrowdStrike Falcon e AWS Security Hub offre una gestione centralizzata e automatizzata degli avvisi di minaccia da parte dei servizi AWS.

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    Detecting and Securing Your Data on AWS

    Apprendi come rilevare e correggere le configurazioni errate in ambito di sicurezza, proteggere i carichi di lavoro e i container e proteggere i dati nelle applicazioni con AWS e il partner di AWS McAfee.

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    Automated Security at the Speed of DevOps

    Apprendi come puoi integrare la sicurezza nei tuoi processi DevOps su AWS per una gestione semplificata della sicurezza e una migliore visibilità con le soluzioni DevOps Security di AWS e del partner APN Trend Micro.

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  • Blog
  • Showing results: 1-5
    Total results: 3470
    • Data
    Non è stato trovato alcun blog corrispondente a questo criterio.
    • Nur Gucu, Matthew Schwartz, 26/03/2025
      As AI and machine learning (AI/ML) become increasingly accessible through cloud service providers (CSPs) such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), new security issues can arise that customers need to address. AWS provides a variety of services for AI/ML use cases, and developers often interact with these services through different programming languages. In this blog post, [...]
    • Sébastien Stormacq, 26/03/2025
      AWS Amplify Hosting now offers direct integration with AWS WAF, allowing users to apply web application firewall protection to their hosted apps through the console or infrastructure as code, eliminating the need for complex Amazon CloudFront configurations.
    • Paul Hong, Gabby Iem, Michael Murphy, Nathan Samuel, Tushar Jain, Ryan Wilks, 26/03/2025
      Amazon Web Services (AWS) is pleased to announce that the Winter 2024 System and Organization Controls (SOC) 1 report is now available. The report covers 183 services over the 12-month period from January 1, 2024, to December 31, 2024, giving customers a full year of assurance. This report demonstrates our continuous commitment to adhere to the [...]
    • Dhanil Parwani, Tyler Carrigan, David Hill, Vinit Anshuman, 26/03/2025
      When deploying a WAF, it is important to understand the requirements and considerations needed for that individual WAF. Traditional WAF deployments must take performance, sizing, network architecture, and other issues into consideration.
    • Tatyana Yatskevich, Harsha Sharma, 26/03/2025
      Every organization strives to empower teams to drive innovation while safeguarding their data and systems from unintended access. For organizations that have thousands of Amazon Web Services (AWS) resources spread across multiple accounts, organization-wide permissions guardrails can help maintain secure and compliant configurations. For example, some AWS services support resource-based policies that can be used to [...]