For questions and answers about AWS Australia and the changes you are experiencing, please read through our FAQs below.

General Questions

1. What is Amazon Web Services Australia Pty Ltd (AWS Australia)?

2. What is happening to AWS in Australia?

3. Why is AWS appointing AWS Australia as the Cloud services reseller in Australia?

4. Which of my AWS accounts are affected?

5. What can I do to prepare for the launch of AWS Australia?

6. Will my access to AWS services change? Will I experience service down time?

7. What will change when my contracting party changes to AWS Australia?

Billing, Payment, and Remittance Questions

8. What invoicing documents should I expect?

9. What payment currencies and payment methods are supported by AWS Australia?

10. I pay for my AWS services on invoicing terms. Is there anything I need to do?

11. I pay for my AWS services by credit card or direct debit. Is there anything I need to do?

Tax Questions

12. Will AWS collect GST on my behalf?

13. How will my tax experience change once AWS Australia starts billing me?

14. If I update my tax address mid-month, how is Australian GST calculated?

15. What GST Registration Numbers and formats does AWS Australia accept?

Consolidated Billing Customers and Reseller Questions

16. My account is the Payer account for an Organization (consolidated billing family). How do I check that all my member (linked) accounts have the correct address and associated AWS seller entity?

17. My account is the Payer account for an Organization (consolidated billing family) and I have member (linked) accounts based in different countries, what should I expect?

18. I am an AWS Partner/Solution Provider [TS3]. How does AWS Australia impact me?

Additional Questions

19. What happens to customer engagement and communications-related services (Chime/Connect/SNS)?

20. What happens to my AWS Training and AWS Professional Services?

21. What happens with my existing RIs/Savings Plans?

22. Do I need to sign a new agreement with AWS Australia?


AWS Australia Marketplace - Buyers

General Questions

23. What is changing in AWS Marketplace?

24. Why are AWS Marketplace purchases being facilitated by AWS Australia?

25. What is the impact of this change on my Marketplace transactions?

26. Are all products sold by AWS Marketplace going to be impacted by the above change?

Billing, Currency, Payment, and Remittance Questions

27. How will my invoicing experience change for my AWS Marketplace purchases?

28. Will my Cloud and Marketplace purchases be consolidated in one invoice in AWS Australia?

29. I pay for my AWS Marketplace purchases by wire transfer. Is there anything I must do?

30. I pay for my AWS Marketplace purchases by credit card. Do I need to do anything to keep this payment method?

31. How can I get bank letters for these updated remittance instructions?

32. Can payments for AWS Marketplace services invoiced through AWS Australia be issued to the same bank account for AWS Cloud service payments?

33. What payment methods does AWS Australia support for AWS Marketplace purchases?

34. What payment currencies does AWS Australia support for AWS Marketplace purchases?

Additional Questions

35. Is there any change to my existing AWS Marketplace subscriptions?

36. What is the impact to on taxes with this change?

37. Does this affect my usage of AWS Cost Explorer, Cost and Usage Report (CUR), or the way information is displayed?

38. How are customers with Consolidated Billing Family and transacting in multiple SORs impacted by the launch of Marketplace in AWS Australia?

39. How do I ensure that my Purchase Order (PO) continue to be correctly tagged to my AWS Marketplace invoices?

40. How can customers prepare for the AWS Australia Marketplace launch?

41. Can I stay on AWS Inc. and utilize un-applied Credit Memos?

AWS Australia Marketplace - Sellers

General Questions

42. What is changing in AWS Marketplace?

43. How do I sell through this legal entity?

44. Do I need to relist my products to sell through AWS Australia?

45. What is the impact on my taxes with this change?

General Questions

1. What is Amazon Web Services Australia Pty Ltd (AWS Australia)?

Amazon Web Services Australia Pty Ltd (AWS Australia) is an affiliate of Amazon Web Services, Inc. based in Australia.

2. What is happening to AWS in Australia?

On 1 November 2021, AWS Australia replaced Amazon Web Services, Inc. and was appointed as the reseller of AWS Cloud services for all customer accounts based in Australia. You will receive your first anniversary invoice one month after the launch of AWS Australia. If you receive a subscription invoice (e.g., for upfront purchases for Reserved Instances), you will start getting invoices from AWS Australia the moment you begin transacting with AWS Australia.

3. Why is AWS appointing AWS Australia as the Cloud services reseller in Australia?

We regularly review our business structure to ensure that we are able to best serve our customers. We are launching AWS Australia so that customers based in Australia can purchase AWS services from a local Australian entity. AWS Australia will simplify and support the growing adoption of Cloud computing across Australia.

4. Which of my AWS accounts are affected?

AWS accounts determined to be located in Australia will be served by AWS Australia. AWS determines each individual account’s account location based on the account’s Tax Settings and/or billing and contact addresses.

Please see FAQ #17 for more details regarding Organizations with linked accounts in multiple countries.

5. What can I do to prepare for the launch of AWS Australia?

Please make sure that your account details are all up to date to ensure proper invoicing and to receive any notifications or updates regarding the launch. We recommend checking that the following are all up-to-date for each of your AWS accounts:

  1. Tax Settings
  2. Default Payment Method
  3. Alternate Contacts

Please also make sure that your Accounts Payable (AP) department or the person responsible for making payments for your accounts and procurement department (if any) is aware of this launch, and is ready to make payment to AWS Australia. This may include updating records to reflect AWS Australia as a vendor in your internal systems, billing systems, or while opening purchase orders. Please check your invoice for updated remittance instructions.

6. Will my access to AWS services change? Will I experience service down time?

No, there will be no change in the services, you can continue using the same services you use today. Your account number, content, configurations, access rights, and security settings will remain the same.

7. What will change when my contracting party changes to AWS Australia?

The AWS Customer Agreement, or other agreement governing your use of AWS Cloud services automatically transferred from Amazon Web Services, Inc. to AWS Australia, as your AWS Contracting Party for your eligible Australian accounts. Your continued use of AWS Cloud services after the change constitutes your acceptance of the agreement with AWS Australia. You do not need to re-sign any existing executed agreement(s).

Pricing will remain in US dollars and service offerings will remain the same as those that are offered by AWS Inc.

If you pay by credit card, you will pay in Australian dollars by default. If you pay by invoice, you will have the option to pay in either Australian dollars or US dollars.
Amazon Connect, Amazon Pinpoint, Amazon SNS, Amazon SES and Amazon Chime services will be sold by AWS Australia, except for PSTN-related features which will continue to be sold by AMCS LLC and invoiced by AWS Inc.

You will be invoiced by AWS Australia for purchases made from AWS Australia. For any purchases from AMCS LLC or AWS Inc., customers will continue to get invoices from AWS Inc. Customers that previously received commercial invoice documents and tax invoices separately will now receive one tax compliant invoice instead.
All customers with accounts based in Australia will be charged 10% GST on all services sold by AWS Australia. For services sold by AMCS LLC, the current tax experience will continue.

AMEX, Visa, MasterCard, and China Union Pay (CUP) will be the supported card payment methods in AWS Australia.

If you pay by invoice, you will remit your payments to the new local bank account.
Your experience on the Billing Console will generally remain the same, except that you will see AWS Australia as a separate legal entity, highlighting the Australian usage. Invoices generated by AWS Australia will be uploaded to the console in Bills Page for you to view.

If you are a Proserve or Training customer, your invoicing experience and the entity you transact with will remain unchanged. Your remittance information will change to match that of Cloud services.

If you have accounts based in Australia and other countries you will receive separate invoices depending on the country associated with your accounts.


Billing, Payment, and Remittance Questions

8. What invoicing documents should I expect?

You will receive an invoice that is inclusive of tax and is a valid tax invoice under Australia law.

Please check your Tax Settings to ensure that all details are correct. If you are a part of an Organization, please note that invoices will be consolidated when possible, for all accounts with the same Tax Settings.

9. What payment currencies and payment methods are supported by AWS Australia?

If you are paying by credit card, Australia dollars (AUD) is the only supported currency for payments to AWS Australia. You may pay in US dollars (USD) or AUD if you are using an invoicing payment method. Service pricing will continue to be published in United States dollar (USD), and amounts due will be computed in USD and converted to AUD for billing, if you are paying in AUD, subject to the AWS Service Terms.

Please see FAQ #19 for more information about invoices for AWS Marketplace usage and FAQ #17 for more information about Organizations with linked accounts in different countries.

10. I pay for my AWS services on invoicing terms. Is there anything I need to do?

Please make sure that you and your Accounts Payable (AP) department or the person responsible for making payments for your accounts are prepared to remit payment to AWS Australia to a bank account located in Australia. You may need to check with your AP department or your bank to ensure you can remit payment to a new bank account in Australia, or to verify that any existing purchase order will cover usage billed by AWS Australia. We will inform you of new remittance instructions as we approach launch of AWS Australia.

11. I pay for my AWS services by credit card or direct debit. Is there anything I need to do?

Payments using international and domestic credit cards like Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and China Union pay are supported by AWS Australia. Diner’s Club, Discover, and JCB credit cards will not be supported in AWS Australia. If you have not yet done so, we request that you switch to a supported payment instrument.

Direct debit will also not be available to customers, (Direct Debit ACH) and (Direct Debit SEPA). If you are using any of these unsupported payment instruments, please make sure to update to a valid payment instrument by launch.


Tax Questions

12. Will AWS collect GST on my behalf?

If your account was already being charged Goods and Services Tax (GST), you will continue to be charged GST. You may notice a few changes on your invoices: they will be issued by AWS Australia and will display its Australian Business Number (ABN) and location in Australia. If you were not being charged GST, or made GST payment independently, AWS Australia as the supplier will now include GST charges on your invoice. Please make sure that your Tax Settings are updated with the correct details to ensure your invoices are correct.

13. How will my tax experience change once AWS Australia starts billing me?

With the launch of AWS Australia, your invoice will start to include GST at the prevailing rate. You may notice a few additional changes on your invoices: they will be issued by AWS Australia and will display its ABN and location in Australia. Please make sure that your Tax Settings are updated with the correct details to ensure your invoices are correct.

14. If I update my tax address mid-month, how is Australian GST calculated?

AWS uses the latest billing information you have provided us to calculate applicable taxes at the time an invoice is generated. One-time purchases like Reserved Instances, Domain Names, or Savings Plans will be invoiced at the time of purchase. Your regular monthly usage of other services will be invoiced around the fourth day of the month following usage based on your tax address reflected at that point. Therefore, please check your Tax Settings to make sure that your account information is correct to ensure that your tax invoices reflect the correct details.

15. What GST Registration Numbers and formats does AWS Australia accept?

AWS Australia will accept an eleven-character ABN. This can be added to your account(s) on the Tax Settings page in the AWS Management Console. If you are the owner of a Payer account for an Organization, you can edit the Tax Settings for all member (linked) accounts based in Australia or any other country where we accept a Tax Registration Number (TRN). If all accounts in your Organization share the same TRN, please consider enabling Tax Settings Inheritance.


Consolidated Billing Customers and Reseller Questions

16. My account is the Payer account for an Organization (consolidated billing family). How do I check that all my member (linked) accounts have the correct address and associated AWS seller entity?

Payer account owners can see the Tax Address and AWS Seller of Record associated with each account by visiting the Tax Settings page in the AWS Billing Dashboard. If you are the owner of a Payer account for an Organization, you can edit the Tax Settings for all member (linked) accounts based in Australia. The far-right column will indicate each account’s seller of record (e.g., AWS Inc., AWS EMEA SARL, or AWS Australia). If all accounts in your Organization share the same ABN, please consider enabling Tax Setting Inheritance as this will save you time and assure the ABN is applied even when accounts join or leave your Organization.

17. My account is the Payer account for an Organization (consolidated billing family) and I have member (linked) accounts based in different countries, what should I expect?

AWS will determine the appropriate AWS seller of record (e.g., AWS, Inc. or AWS Australia) for each individual account based on the account location. If you have member (linked) accounts being served by different sellers, you will receive separate invoices or Requests for Payment (RFPs) from the applicable seller based on each account’s location. Please note that you will be required to remit payment separately for invoices or RFPs from different sellers in the currency displayed on the applicable invoice.

Any invoices from AWS Australia, AWS, Inc., or AWS EMEA SARL will use your preferred currency for each specific seller as set on the My Account page in the AWS Billing Dashboard. AWS Marketplace invoices will be billed in USD from AWS, Inc.

Each seller will have its own remittance instructions on the invoice. Payment must be remitted in the currency displayed on the applicable invoice to the applicable seller.

18. I am an AWS Partner/Solution Provider [TS3]. How does AWS Australia impact me?

As a Solution Provider, please follow the longstanding operational guidance to apply your own Tax Settings to all of your linked accounts. You should enable Tax Settings Inheritance on the Tax Setting page in the AWS Billing Dashboard to ensure that your tax details are used for all of your linked accounts. By ensuring your own information is on all linked accounts, AWS can calculate local taxes correctly, if applicable. As an AWS Partner/Solution Provider, you are responsible for managing and charging your end customers applicable taxes.

Please reach out directly to your Partner Development Manager (PDM) to determine if the launch of AWS Australia impacts your accounts. You can find your PDM’s contact details by logging in to APN Partner Central.

Additional Questions

19. What happens to customer engagement and communications-related services (Chime/Connect/SNS)?

Services sold by AMCS LLC will not be invoiced by AWS Australia. These services will continue to be invoiced by AWS, Inc. and you will need to maintain your systems and processes to pay invoices from AWS, Inc. Amazon Connect, Amazon Pinpoint, Amazon SNS, Amazon SES and Amazon Chime services will be sold by AWS Australia, except for PSTN-related features which will continue to be sold by AMCS LLC and invoiced by AWS, Inc. Subject to the AWS Service Terms.

20. What happens to my AWS Training and AWS Professional Services?

The billing and payments experience for AWS Training and Professional services will not change. AWS Training and Professional Services to Australia customers will continue to be provided by AWS Australia.

21. What happens with my existing RIs/Savings Plans?

Any Reserved Instance (RIs) or Savings Plans (SPs) will continue to apply towards any eligible matching usage, regardless of any change in your AWS seller of record since purchase. After the launch of AWS Australia, any Australia based accounts with a balance due for an RI will be billed by AWS Australia.

22. Do I need to sign a new agreement with AWS Australia?

The AWS Customer Agreement, or other agreement governing your use of AWS Cloud services will be automatically transferred from Amazon Web Services, Inc. to Amazon Web Services Australia Pty Ltd, as your AWS Contracting Party for your eligible Australian accounts. Your continued use of AWS Cloud services after the change will constitute your acceptance of the agreement with AWS Australia. You will not need to re-sign any existing executed agreement(s).


AWS Australia Marketplace - Buyers

General Questions

23. What is changing in AWS Marketplace?

AWS Marketplace purchases made by any AWS account based in Australia will soon be facilitated by Amazon Web Services Australia Pty Ltd (“AWS Australia”).

24. Why are AWS Marketplace purchases being facilitated by AWS Australia?

  • To allow accounts located in Australia to have their AWS Marketplace purchases be facilitated by a local entity. Customers will be invoiced for their Cloud and Marketplace purchases by the same local entity, AWS Australia.
  • Customers can pay locally (either via credit card or wire transfer/pay by invoice to the same bank account as for their Cloud invoices) and incur lower transaction costs.
  • Commerce regulations within a country often provide differing treatment of international and local SORs, impacting our customers.
  • Will simplify and support the growing adoption of purchasing on AWS Marketplace across the region.

25. What is the impact of this change on my Marketplace transactions?

Some of your AWS Marketplace purchase for your AWS accounts based in Australia will contract with and receive AWS Marketplace invoices from AWS Australia, similar to your AWS Cloud services purchases, providing you local invoicing and payment options. If you are a B2B customer, please check your Tax Settings to ensure that all details are correct. If you are a part of an Organization, invoices will be consolidated when possible for all accounts with the same Tax Settings.

26. Are all products sold by AWS Marketplace going to be impacted by the above change?

Only 3P Marketplace products (product sold directly by Independent Software Vendor (ISV) or via Channel Partners on AWS Marketplace) will be invoiced from AWS Australia. 2P products (products sold by AWS on behalf of an ISV) will continue to be invoiced from Amazon Web Services, Inc (AWS Inc.). For Bedrock products, please see clause 50.12.1 of the AWS Service Terms on who will be the contracting (and invoicing) party.


Billing, Currency, Payment, and Remittance Questions


27. How will my invoicing experience change for my AWS Marketplace purchases?

Currently you receive commercial invoice documents and tax invoices separately, (if you are charged Goods & Services Tax (GST)) from AWS Inc. After this change, you will now either receive one tax compliant invoice (if you are charged GST) or a regular commercial invoice (if you are not charged GST) from AWS Australia for your 3P Marketplace purchases. If you purchase 2P products from AWS Marketplace, you will receive a separate invoice from AWS Inc. as well.

28. Will my Cloud and Marketplace purchases be consolidated in one invoice in AWS Australia?

No, you will continue to receive separate invoices for your 3P AWS Marketplace purchases from AWS Australia.

29. I pay for my AWS Marketplace purchases by wire transfer. Is there anything I must do?

Yes. Any AWS Marketplace transactions through AWS Australia will have updated remittance instructions. You can find remittance information on your invoice for AWS Australia when signed in to the AWS Billing console. These bank accounts are the same bank accounts that you remit money for any purchases of AWS Cloud services through AWS Australia. Please do not delete the AWS Inc. remittance instructions from your AP system as you will need to continue remitting money to AWS Inc. bank account for any 2P Marketplace purchases.

30. I pay for my AWS Marketplace purchases by credit card. Do I need to do anything to keep this payment method?

No, there is no change required.

31. How can I get bank letters for these updated remittance instructions?

Use the contact us form or email us to request a bank letter.

32. Can payments for AWS Marketplace services invoiced through AWS Australia be issued to the same bank account for AWS Cloud service payments?

Yes, the bank account for AWS Marketplace purchases through AWS Australia is the same bank account from the account for AWS Cloud service purchases through AWS Australia.

33. What payment methods does AWS Australia support for AWS Marketplace purchases?

You will use the same payment method that you use to pay for your AWS services purchases from AWS Australia. If you pay by credit card, AMEX, Visa, MasterCard, and China Union Pay (CUP) will be the supported card payment methods in AWS Australia. If you pay by invoice, you will remit your payments to the local bank account.

34. What payment currencies does AWS Australia support for AWS Marketplace purchases?

You will be paying for your AWS Marketplace purchases from AWS Australia in the same currency that you are paying for your AWS Cloud purchases. If you are paying by credit card, Australia dollars (AUD) is the only supported currency for payments to AWS Australia. If you are paying by invoice, you will pay in US dollars (USD) or AUD depending on the preferred currency that you have set on your account. If you have not updated your Payment Currency Preference you will pay for your AWS Marketplace purchases from AWS Australia in AUD, the local currency of AWS Australia. Please update your Payment Currency Preference by following these steps. Service pricing will continue to be published in United States dollar (USD), and amounts due will be computed in USD and converted to AUD for billing, if you are paying in AUD, subject to the AWS Service Terms.


Additional Questions

35. Is there any change to my existing AWS Marketplace subscriptions?

Yes. Existing AWS Marketplace subscriptions will be moved from being facilitated by AWS Inc. to being facilitated by AWS Australia. This applies to monthly invoices for metered products, renewals, and installment payments made on flexible payment schedules. There will be no impact to existing workloads.

36. What is the impact to on taxes with this change?

If you are an Australian B2B customer, Amazon Web Services, Inc. does not charge you Goods and Services Tax (GST) on your AWS Marketplace purchases. With this change, AWS Australia will be required to charge you GST on your AWS Marketplace purchases from Australian based sellers and issue you a valid Tax Invoice. If your AWS Marketplace purchases are from a no-Australia based seller, you won’t be charged GST. If AWS Australia does not charge you GST, you may be required to reverse charge. Please consult with your tax advisors.

If you are an Australian B2C customer, there is no impact to your taxes with this change. You will continued to be charged GST for all your AWS Marketplace purchases. For more information, please see Tax Help - Australia.

37. Does this affect my usage of AWS Cost Explorer, Cost and Usage Report (CUR), or the way information is displayed?

No. You can use these tools in exactly the same way you do today. The CUR has a column to distinguish the AWS Contracting Party called “Invoicing Entity” and will reflect ‘AWS Australia’ as the contracting party for 3P AWS Marketplace purchases. Your 2P AWS Marketplace purchases will continue to reflect ‘AWS Inc.’ as the contracting party.

38. How are customers with Consolidated Billing Family and transacting in multiple SORs impacted by the launch of Marketplace in AWS Australia?

•Payer Accounts: pay for services consumed by itself and/or Linked accounts. Payer accounts are impacted if they or at least one of their linked accounts are in AWS Australia and have AWS Marketplace transactions.
•Linked Accounts: consume services paid for by a Payer account. Linked account(s) are impacted if they are in AWS Australia and have AWS Marketplace transactions.

39. How do I ensure that my Purchase Order (PO) continue to be correctly tagged to my AWS Marketplace invoices?

  • If you have setup a dedicated Purchase Order for Marketplace transactions, you will need to select both AWS Inc. and AWS Australia from the Bill From drop down menu to ensure that the PO is tagged to all AWS Marketplace invoices coming from AWS Australia and AWS Inc.
  • If you would like to use the same Purchase Order that you use for your Cloud transactions in AWS Australia for your AWS Marketplace transactions from AWS Australia, please ensure that you have selected ALL in the Line Item Type. If you want to keep the Purchase Order for your Cloud transactions separate, please ensure that you have selected “AWS Monthly Usage” and “AWS Subscription Purchase” as separate Line Item Types.
  • If customer would like to setup a new Purchase Order for Marketplace transactions from AWS Australia, this feature would be enabled once Marketplace is launched in AWS Australia (AWS Marketplace Blanket Usage value in Line Item Type won’t be enabled till launch).

40. How can customers prepare for the AWS Australia Marketplace launch?

Actively communicate this change to all your organization’s functional partners including, but not limited to, accounting, tax, treasury and accounts payable. If you have linked accounts, please ensure they are communicated about the change as well.
You must ensure your payment instrument is supported by AWS Australia. Visit the Payments Method page of the AWS Management Console to confirm or update your payment method.

If you pay by wire transfer, please ensure you have chosen your preferred currency through AWS Management Console. You must ensure you verify your tax information, billing address, and contact address on your account(s). If you are a GST registered business, you must ensure you add your ABN number on the tax settings.

Ensure your Purchase Orders for Marketplace are tagged to AWS Australia as well for future Marketplace purchases. Please do not delete the AWS Inc. remittance instructions from your AP system as you will need to continue remitting money to AWS Inc. bank account for any 2P Marketplace purchases.

41. Can I stay on AWS Inc. and utilize un-applied Credit Memos?

After this change, all customers transacting with AWS Australia will receive invoices from AWS Australia for 3P Marketplace purchases. You should apply as many Credit Memos as possible for your current purchases or any 2P Marketplace purchases from AWS Inc. You can request any un-applied Credit Memos from AWS, Inc. to be refunded back to your bank account.


AWS Australia Marketplace - Sellers

General Questions

42. What is changing in AWS Marketplace?

AWS Marketplace purchases are facilitated by Amazon Web Services Australia Pty Ltd (“AWS Australia”) for purchases made by any AWS account based in Australia. Sellers will receive disbursements from AWS Australia for transactions with AWS customers in Australia. Additionally, Australia-based sellers are charged Goods and Services tax (GST) on their listing fee and provided a tax-compliant invoice. GST is calculated according to the seller’s account location and tax settings in the AWS Billing console.

43. How do I sell through this legal entity?

There are no additional steps required in order to sell through the AWS Australia.

44. Do I need to relist my products to sell through AWS Australia?

No, there is no need to relist your products. AWS Marketplace products are still in a global catalog. If you are selling to customers in Australia, the AWS Marketplace facilitator is AWS Australia and customers will receive the applicable invoice at the time of invoicing.

45. What is the impact on my taxes with this change?

The impact depends on whether you are an Australian based seller. If you are an Australian seller and have made a sale to an AWS account based in Australia on AWS Marketplace, then AWS Australia will charge you Goods and Services Tax (GST) on your AWS listing fee and will be netted against your disbursements. AWS Australia will issue you a valid Tax Invoice for your records. In addition, AWS Australia, as the Marketplace operator, will be responsible for collecting and remitting GST, under s84-60 of the Australian GST Act, on your sales of digital services to Australian customers.

If you are a non-Australian seller and have made a sale to an AWS account based in Australia on AWS Marketplace, then AWS Australia will not charge you GST on your AWS listing fee. AWS Australia, as the Marketplace operator, will be responsible for collecting and remitting GST, where applicable, on your sales of digital services to Australian customers. For more information, please see Tax Help - AWS Marketplace sellers or reach out to