Getting Started with AWS
Create Continuous Delivery Pipeline
Set up a Git repo, deploy a sample web app, and create a continuous delivery pipeline
Module 1: Set Up Git Repo
In this module, you will set up a Git repo for your code so it can be easily accessed over the Internet
In this module, you will set up a repository for your code so it can be easily accessed over the Internet. In this example, we will be using GitHub, but there are other Git-compatible options you can use, including AWS CodeCommit. In one of the following modules you will connect this hosted repo to our pipeline, so every time you push a new commit to it your build process is started.
What you will accomplish
- Fork a GitHub repository to create a new one
- Store code and metadata in GitHub
- Interact with a code repository using Git
Key concepts
Version control—A system for storing source code and tracking any changes to it. Changes are stored as versions, so a developer can easily compare versions or choose to revert to an older version.
Git—An open-source version control tool for managing changes to source code.
Git repository (repo)—All the files and directories that will be tracked by the version control system, including metadata. Each user will interact with a complete copy locally and push files to the hosted version to share changes.
Git commit—The method to add changes to a Git repository.
Pushing to a repository—Copying any changes stored via a commit from a local repository to a hosted one.
Forking a repository—Creating a copy of an existing repository.
Fork the starter repo
This tutorial assumes you have an existing GitHub account and Git installed on your computer. If you don't have either of these two installed, you can follow these step-by-step instructions.
- In a new browser tab, navigate to GitHub and make sure you are logged into your account.
- In that same tab, open the aws-elastic-beanstalk-express-js-sample repo.
- Choose the white Fork button on the top right corner of the screen. Next, you will see a small window asking you where you would like to fork the repo.
- Verify it is showing your account and choose Create a fork. After a few seconds, your browser will display a copy of the repo in your account under Repositories.
Push a change to your new repo
- Go to the repository and choose the green Code button near the top of the page.
- To clone the repository using HTTPS, confirm that the heading says Clone with HTTPS. If not, select the Use HTTPS link.
- Choose the white button with a clipboard icon on it (to the right of the URL).
4. If you're on a Mac or Linux computer, open your terminal. If you're on Windows, launch Git Bash.
5. In the terminal or Bash platform, whichever you are using, enter the following command and paste the URL you just copied in Step 2 when you clicked the clipboard icon. Be sure to change "YOUR-USERNAME" to your GitHub username. You should see a message in your terminal that starts with Cloning into. This command creates a new folder that has a copy of the files from the GitHub repo.
git clone
6. In the new folder there is a file named app.js. Open app.js in your favorite code editor.
7. Change the message in line 5 to say something other than "Hello World!" and save the file.
8. Go to the folder created with the name aws-elastic-beanstalk-express-js-sample/ and Commit the change with the following commands:
git add app.js git commit -m "change message"
9. Push the local changes to the remote repo hosted on GitHub with the following command. Note that you need to configure Personal access tokens (classic) under Developer Settings in GitHub for remote authentication.
git push
Test your changes
- In your browser window, open GitHub.
- In the left navigation panel, under Repositories, select the one named aws-elastic-beanstalk-express-js-sample.
- Choose the app.js file. The contents of the file, including your change, should be displayed.
Application architecture
Here is what our architecture looks like right now:

We have created a code repository containing a simple web app. We will be using this repository to start our continuous delivery pipeline. It's important to set it up properly so we push code to it.