Release: AWS SDK for Android 2.2.13

This release improves internalization support and brings in enhancements of Amazon S3 TransferUtility. It also includes several bug fixes and other improvements.

Latest Version: 2.2.13
Created On: February 26, 2016
Last Updated: October 09, 2017


Download the AWS SDK for Android 2.2.13


Change Description
AWS Core Runtime Library Improved internalization support.
Amazon S3 Improved the usage of TransferListener and the logic of pausing and canceling transfers.

Bug Fixes

Change Description
Amazon S3 Fixed a ConcurrentModificationException bug caused by removing listeners inside their callbacks.

Supported API Versions

This release of the SDK supports the following API versions:

Service API Version
Amazon CloudWatch 2010-08-01
Amazon Cognito Identity 2014-06-30
Amazon Cognito Sync 2014-06-30
Amazon DynamoDB 2012-08-10
Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) 2015-10-01
Amazon Kinesis Firehose 2015-08-04
Amazon Kinesis Streams 2013-12-02
Amazon Machine Learning 2014-12-12
Amazon Mobile Analytics 2014-06-30
Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) 2010-12-01
Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) 2010-03-31
Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) 2012-11-05
Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) 2006-03-01
Amazon SimpleDB 2009-04-15
Auto Scaling 2011-01-01
AWS IoT 2015-05-28
AWS Key Management Service (KMS) 2014-11-01
AWS Lambda 2015-03-31
AWS Security Token Service 2011-06-15
Elastic Load Balancing 2012-06-01