Drive delivery of impactful digital assistant experiences with Accenture experts and a leading AI platform
Conversational artificial intelligence (AI) is a group of technologies that connect humans and computer platforms using natural language processing and machine learning. Customers interact with conversational AI daily in the form of chatbots, voice assistants, smart devices, and applications that can deliver informal and repetitive customer service tasks or execute complex processes in multiple industries. Accenture's Conversational AI Platform consulting offer leverages a suite of assets to help organizations manage a conversational AI solution's end-to-end lifecycle. It addresses the need for flexible, adaptable, scalable, and simply deployed solutions as well as accelerating development, facilitating operations and maintenance, and enabling clients to focus on driving business value at pace.
Accenture's conversational AI solutions ease call volume surges, reduce wait times, improve customer satisfaction, and facilitate continuous improvements through AI and machine learning. In the middle of the response to the COVID-19 pandemic, customers have proven that frequent changes to existing and new "conversations" can rapidly be deployed to address an organic landscape of interactions and needs.
Accenture's industry expertise provides more than 74 industry cartridges out of the box that can be easily tailored to a client's requirements. There is also an ever-growing ecosystem of available integrations with customer relationship management software (CRMs) and other enterprise programs and platforms.
There are hundreds to thousands of bot tools and virtual agent enablers out there, but the assets Accenture brings to understanding caller/customer intents, modeling conversations, and delivering truly conversational experiences are among the best.

United States, Canada, Brazil, Colombia, Argentina, Chile, United Kingdom, Ireland, Germany, France, Italy, Sweden, Netherlands, Greece, Belgium, Romania, Hungary, Denmark, Finland, Spain, Norway, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Austria, Poland, Switzerland, Israel, South Africa, Kenya, United Arab Emirates, Australia, India, Japan, Korea, Philippines
Rapid deployment
Prebuilt technical integrations and reusable components accelerate time-to-live.
Evolution rather than installation
Platform agility allows phased deployments, unique or integrated with legacy investments.
Out-of-the-box experiences
Ever-evolving library of use cases that are ready to be rolled out across industries.
Data-driven tools
Logging and analytics tools show value, drive intelligent decision-making, and prioritize actions.
How it works
Key activities
Customer contribution
About this consultant
Architecture diagram
How it works
Accenture’s Conversational AI Platform tackles the common challenges that organizations face when implementing conversational AI solutions. These include how to deliver at pace, how to scale from proof of concept to enterprise level, and how to operate a living system. By centralizing the design, creation, publishing, and maintenance of conversational experiences in a common platform, organizations can break traditional silos and enable scaling across the enterprise.
A typical engagement begins with a discovery phase where design thinking methodologies are used to identify customer needs and prioritize the most impactful use cases to build. Accenture recommends following a data-driven approach by analyzing any existing data from customer interactions, such as logs from the contact center. Next, a planning phase includes an assessment of existing technologies and the definition of a business case. Accenture’s library of prebuilt conversational experiences helps accelerate the process, with use cases available off the shelf that can be customized based on an organization’s business processes and brand guidelines.
The next step is to cocreate a proof of value to quickly test key system integrations and prove business value. Conversational AI Platform offers a user-friendly dialog designer where sophisticated conversations can be designed and built without having to touch code. The engagement can then proceed to a pilot where an agreed set of use cases are built, deployed, and tested with a target user group. This phase is important for gathering insight and tuning the system, conducting training of the language models, and iteratively improving the user experience.
Finally, the solution can be scaled up, adding more use cases and rolling out to a wider user base. Conversational AI Platform’s analytics and training tools allow the performance to be monitored and improved in real time, as well as capturing key metrics such as customer satisfaction and cost savings.
Key activities
1) Discover and plan
Analyze existing data and technology, define business case, identify and prioritize virtual agent use cases.
2) Proof of valueDesign virtual agents, build a selected number of use cases, and highlight the business value.
3) PilotBuild, test, and deploy additional use cases and fine-tune based on customer feedback and analytics.
4) Scale and manageExpand scope of use cases, monitor performance, and continuously improve.
Customer contribution
Stakeholder identification
Identification of and access to relevant stakeholders such as contact center, IT, branding, and domain experts.
Data access
Availability of historical data of customer interactions through existing contact channels.
API documentation and access
Specification of API details to access any enterprise systems that will be integrated.
Test data
Availability of test data in enterprise systems which can be leveraged during development.
Account access
Accenture consultants will require AWS account access for the duration of the engagement.
About this consultant
Accenture is an AWS Partner and has achieved a number of AWS Competencies including the AWS Machine Learning, AWS DevOps, and AWS Data & Analytics Competencies, among others.
Accenture is a leader in conversational AI, ranked #1 overall in the 2020 HFS Top 10 Digital Associate Services report. This called out Accenture’s significant investment in developing a full suite of AI assets designed for rapid implementation as well as their tremendous breadth of digital associates services by industry, process, and services capability. Accenture was praised for making a measurable impact to clients’ business with a data-driven approach to developing AI solutions that turn insights into action.
Accenture’s Conversational AI Platform holds US patents for its vendor-agnostic dialog management system and telephony voice adapter, and it was awarded ‘Best AI in Government’ at the 2019 CogX awards for a solution deployed at the Irish Revenue Commissioners.
A global team of 1800+ AI practitioners supports delivery, alongside partnerships with key vendors and research institutes. Accenture has deep industry expertise with global reach, working with 91 of the Fortune 100.
Architecture diagram
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