Posted On: Dec 9, 2019

Amazon FSx, a service that provides fully managed Windows (Amazon FSx for Windows File Server) and high-performance Linux (Amazon FSx for Lustre) file systems, has added several enhancements to the AWS Management Console, including the ability to view Amazon FSx CloudWatch metrics and the ability to add and update tags directly from within the Amazon FSx Console.

You can use CloudWatch to monitor the activity of your Amazon FSx file systems. Previously available on the CloudWatch Console, Amazon FSx metrics can now also be viewed directly from within the Amazon FSx Console. The Amazon FSx Console now displays a CloudWatch dashboard as well as alarms for Amazon FSx, and includes a link to the CloudWatch Console for additional options.

You can use tags to categorize and organize your file systems and backups. Previously available via the API, updating tags is now also enabled in the Amazon FSx Console, providing another option for managing your file system's tags.

Amazon FSx Console enhancements are available now in all regions where Amazon FSx is available. For more information, please visit the Amazon FSx product page.